Properties and Characterizations of Surfaces and Interfaces

The Track devoted to the physics and chemistry of the surfaces and interface, the practical aspect of its preparations and growth. Here the effects of surface and dimension effects are considered. Attention pays to applications of interface properties and their impact on the devices performance. Also here consider the results of investigation of surfaces and interface by the well-known ad novel experimental approaches: Auger electron analysis (AES), secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS), transmission electron microscope (TEM), scanning tunneling microscope (STM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) X-ray, synchrotron and neutron techniques.

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Nanostructured Thin Films

The Track objections are nanothickness and nanostructured metal and semiconductors thin films, its fundamentals, structure-property relationships and material behavior finetuning. Special attention pays to synthesis strategies, methods and technologies for the thin films synthesis (such as sol-gel, electrodeposition, electroless deposition, CVD, etc.) and monolayers synthesis (Langmuir-Blodgett, self-assembled monolayers). Biological and polymer films also are in focus here.

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Functional Nanostructured Coatings

The Track devoted to the general issues of methods and technologies for coating of particles and surfaces as a method of artificial design of their specific properties. For surfaces it covered include the hard (based on carbon and nitride materials), high temperature, tribological, corrosion-resistant, and barrier coatings, the optical, conductive, and photocatalytic coatings. For nanoparticles it needs to underline the functionalization for the catalysis, sensors, biosensors, and organic molecules separation, for targeted drug delivery, other progressive therapy methods and for applications in advanced data recording and processing media.

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Plasma and Ions for Surface Engineering. Radiations Effects

The coverage of this Track is physics of materials processing using ion and plasma beams, simulation and theory to surface modification of material. The main focus is settled on advanced plasma and ion sources, properties of technological plasmas, plasma treatment and cleaning (plasma-surface interaction, surface cleaning/plasma etching, ion treatment), deposition techniques (magnetron sputtering, vacuum arc deposition, plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition), plasma spraying, Ion-assisted deposition, hybrid and duplex processes, plasma diffusion treatment. Fundamental and applied issues of large set of phenomena that arises from the interaction of all types of radiation with condensed matter are also suitable here.

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Nanoparticle and Nanodevice Production Technology

This Track aimed on a brought variety of techniques and methods for the nanoparticles synthesis low cost and precision as well. Among them the gas phase synthesis (thermal CVD, plasma CVD, pulse-plasma methods), liquid phase synthesis (super critical process, continuous ultrasonic, continuous hot soap methods), droplet formation containing particles, spray drying spray pyrolysis method, Sol-gel process, milling, biosynthesis. Here emphasis the synthesis of the particles with complex structure or shapes with controlled properties. Special attention is paid to so-called engineered nanoparticles (ENP) producing: biologically-inspired nanoparticles, metal (Au, Ag), metal oxides (TiO2, ZnO) particles, quantum dots.

Finally, the engineered nanosystems and nanoscale machines, molecular nanotechnology, such as synthetic molecular motors, molecular self-assembly, etc. are also suitable here.

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Measurement and Analysis of Nanoscale

The advances in Measurement science and technology in nano area are the objectives of this topic. Here discussed the fundamental, engineering and standardization issues of nanometrology, and advances in the measurement and nano-imaging infrastructure. Firstly, attention is paid to dimensional metrology techniques using AFM, SPM, through focus scanning optical (TSOM) imaging                method, scatterfield optical microscopy, helium ion microscopy, metrology and combinations of these microscopy and imaging techniques inn application to analysis of size and size distribution. Then, the methods for identification of relevant physico-chemical (color, melting temperature and thermal properties, crystal structure, chemical reactivity, electrical conductivity, mechanical strength, density) properties are considered. And finally, expertise, standards and calibration for nanotechnology problems are spotlighted.

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Magnetic Fine Particles and Multilayers

The Track objection is magnetic properties of the nanoparticles, nanostructures, and their ensembles, physics of fine particles and clusters, magnetization reversal process, magnetic phenomena of low-dimensional medias. The reports of the methods for producing namely fine magnetic particles and their arrays, measurements techniques are very suitable here. Special attention pays to the potential application of fine particles such as ultra high density recording media, ferrofluids, and applications in biomedicine. The second objection of this track are fundamentals and producing of multilayers with defined magnetic properties, its application to spin valve structures, giant magnetoresistance phenomena and spin dependent transport.

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Nanopolymers and Nanocomposites: Synthesis and Applications

Here main objections are the properties, producing techniques, present and potential applications of such matters. Among them the following issues are considered: composite preparation and physico-chemical characterizations, formation of ordered polymer structures, polymer layered Nanocomposite, and polymer-clay nanocomposites, inorganic-organic hybrid systems (including metal–polymer nanocomposite and organometallic polymers), nanofibrous materials, conducting nanocomposite systems (such as reticulate doped polymers, conducting colloid composites, etc.). High hardness WC/Co materials for cutting tools, nanocomposite cements, low-loss soft magnetic materials, superplastic forming of ceramics, ultrahigh-strength, tough structural materials also are in focus of this track.

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Carbon Based Nanoscale Materials

Carbon-based nanotechnology is anticipated to dramatically change every aspect of our life. And this track is devoted to recent developments in constructing nanostructures using carbon atoms, funadamental and applied issues and simulation in this area as well. In particular, attention is paid to the formation, physical and chemical properties of carbon nanotubes, fullerenes, carbon fibers and filaments, graphene, activated carbons, pyrolytic carbons, glass-like carbons, etc. The current state of the art and future barriers, and projections of future frontiers will discussed.  Here also suitable present the the reports about prospects and problems in nanodiamonds such as nanocrystalline diamond powder particles (DPP), detonation nanodiamond (DND) and their applications.

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Nanomaterials for Energy Applications

The Track covers the physics,the theory, design, research, discovery and development of new materials and nanotechnologies in relation to the field of energy applications (e.g. in energy harvesting, production, storage, transfer and use, etc.). The state-of-the-art and latest development of technology and materials for energy applications will be discussed, but also investigate possible avenues ahead. Here welcome contributions on the following issues: photovoltaics, light emitting diodes, piezoelectric nanogenerators fuel cells, hydrogen generation and storage, self-powered nanodevices, supercapacitors.

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Nanomaterials Applications in Biotechnologies and Medicine

The range of contributions of this Track encompasses on the properties on the novel nanobiotechnology. Topics covered include bioseparations, biosensing, assay labeling, bioimaging, Hyperthermia cancer treatment, Targeted drug delivery and toxin removal, based on nanoparticles medical diagnostics methods. It is anticipated that reports will be submitted from researchers in the areas of pharmaceutics, polymer science, transport and diffusional phenomena, biomedical systems, and biochemical engineering.

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Nanomaterials Applications in Electronics, Spintronics and Photonics

This Track focused on the utilizing the nanostructured materials in modern electronic trends, sensors systems, circuits. Reports about the systems of information processing, new architecture of computers are very suitable in this Track. A special attention pay to implementation in real devices of novel materials, (such as carbon nanotubes, fullerenes, POSS, graphene), and new elementary base (such as magnetic tunnel junction, spin-based transistors, nanophotonics chips). Track also covers the field where nanoscience meets photonics, optics and spectroscopy.

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