"East Meets West" Travel Grants
“East Meets West” grant program of the 2021 IEEE NAP Conference is designed to facilitate and encourage participation of full-time Ph. D. students and certain underrepresented groups by providing a partial or full support to cover the conference registration fees and/or accommodation, on a competitive basis. Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, there will be several sub-categories of these merit-based grants:
(1) Ukrainian students presenting their research in the areas of nanobio interfacing and nanomedicine are eligible to apply for the registration fees waiver sponsored by the BioUkraine Initiative of the US-Ukraine Foundation. Ukrainian citizens residing and studying full-time in Ukraine are eligible.
(2) Ph. D. students who are the IEEE Magnetics Society members presenting their research at the conference. If you are interested to join IEEE Magnetics Society, please apply here. Students who submitted their conference proceeding manuscript (4+ pages) will be given priority.
(3) Students participants presenting at the IEEE NAP-2021 conference on the topics that are not covered above. Only full-time graduate/undergraduate international or Ukrainian students who submitted their conference proceeding manuscript (4+ pages) are eligible. Other factors that will be taken into consideration include gender balance, diversity of the applicants’ area of research and geographical representation.
(4) Women in Science & Engineering (WiSE). The IEEE NAP-2021 Organizing Committee encourages participation of women in the technical program of the conference, regardless of their nationality or ethnic backgrounds. Early career applicants will be given the highest priority.
(5) Covid-affected participants: The Organizing Committee recognizes a number of challenges confronting the scientific community as a direct consequence of the advent of Covid-19 pandemic. Thus, we will provide the registration fee waivers to the participants who have lost income due to pandemic-related job changes or caregiver-responsibilities.
All grant applications can be submitted only AFTER the abstract submission and registration at the conference website. The application should include the following information:
- Cover Letter with Abstract/Manuscript ID#, justifying the need for a grant support;
- One-page abstract of the IEEE NAP-2021 presentation;
- Resume or CV with two names of references or academic advisor(s) and publications included;
- Copy of the Applicants’ academic records (required for student applicants only);
- Copy of the student’s ID card.
All documents have to be combined into a single PDF or DOC file, with the file name that includes the applicant’s last name, followed by the grant sub-category number (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 see above). For example: Petrenko_2.pdf, McClaremy_4.doc, etc.
All applicants are expected to attend the entire conference and actively participate in all technical sessions. “East Meets West” grant applications should be emailed to [email protected] before June 14th, 2021, with “IEEE NAP2021 Grant Application” in the subject line. The applications will be considered on first come, first-served basis, thus please do not delay! Late applications will not be considered.
The IEEE NAP-2021 Awards & Grants Committee will review and rank the applications, and provide recommendations to the Conferences General Chairs for final approval. Appeals will not be considered. The decisions will be emailed to successful Applicants by June 30th, 2021, or earlier.