1. Synthesis and Properties of Nanomaterials
Synthesis and Key Characteristics of Nanocrystalline AlCuNiFeCr High-Entropy Alloy by Mechanical Alloying and Sintering | |
Dmytro Hushchyk, Alexandra Yurkova, Vadym Chernyavsky |
Equlibrium Properties of the Lattice System with SALR interaction potential on a Simple Square Lattice: Quasi-chemical Approximation versus Monte Carlo Simulation | |
Yaroslav Gennadievich Groda, Vyacheslav Vikhrenko, Dung Caprio |
Production of Nanostructured and Ultradisperse Materials by Means of Volumetric Electrospark Erosion | |
Sergey Lapshin Lapshyn, K. G. Lopatko, Y. G. Aftandiliants, O. V. Zazimko, V. V. Trach, S. K. Lopatko, A. N. Veklich, V. F. Boretskij, T. A. Tmenova, Y. Cressault, F. Valensi |
Luminescence and Nanopores in Spinel ZnGa2O4 Ceramics Doped with Mn2+ Ion | |
Oleh Kravets, О. Zaremba, Ya. Shpotyuk, A. Luchechko, K. Szmuc, J. Cebulski, A. Ingram, O. Shpotyuk |
Luminescent Composites on the Base of Microcrystalline Cellulose: Synthesis, Fabrication and Properties | |
Serhii Gerasymovich Nedilko, Oleksandr M. Alekseev, Yurii E. Grabovsky, Egor Reznichenko, Vasyl P Scherbatskyi, Volodymyr V Boyko, Vitalii P. Chornii, Valerii A Barabash, O. V. Yaschenko, Maksym S Nedielko, Smail Hamamda |
Structure, Morphology and Luminescence of BiPO4:Pr Compounds | |
Kostyantyn L. Bychkov, Serhii G. Nedilko, Mykola S. Slobodyanik, Kateryna V. Terebilenko, Volodymyr V. Boyko, Vitalii P. Chornii |
AC Dependence of Electrical Properties of SiOx/ZrO2 Multilayer Nanocomposites with Si Nanocrystals | |
Tomasz N. Koltunowicz, Karolina Czarnacka, Aleksander K. Fedotov |
Low Temperature Electrical Behavior of CNT-based Nanocomposites | |
Ivan Karbovnyk, Yuri Olenych, Dmytro Lukashevych, Dmytro Chalyy, Igor Girnyk, Mykola Rudko, Halyna Klym |
Plasma Based Nanoparticle Synthesis: from Preparation to Function | |
Oleksandr Polonskyi, Alexander Vahl, Jonas Drewes, Alexander Hinz, Thomas Strunskus, Nicolai Ababii, Tim Reimer, Steffen Chemnitz, Oleg Lupan, Reiner Adelung, Franz Faupel |
Influence of Ca2+ Impurity on Structure, Morphological and Optical Characteristics of EuxVO4 and La1-xEuxVO4 Nanoparticles | |
Oksana V. Chukova, Srehii G. Nedilko, Serhii A. Nedilko, Alina A. Slepets, Tetiana A. Voitenko, Sergiy V. Virko |
2. Carbon-based and other 2D materials
Synthesis and Electrochemical Coating of Carbon Based and 2D Nanostructured Materials for Biosensors and Energy Storage Applications | |
Shen-Ming Chen |
Ku-Band Microwave Characterization of Composite Based on Epoxy Polymer and Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes | |
Fadei Fadeevich Komarov, Oleg Vladimirovich Milchanin, Ivan D. Parfimovich, Peter Vasil'yevich Kuchinski, Alexey Grigorievich Tkachev, A. V. Melezhik, N. R. Memetov, R. A. Stolyarov, Karolina Charnacka |
3. Photonics & Nanomaterials
Effect of Electric and Magnetic Field on Electron Energy Spectrum in Core-Shell Quantum Dot | |
Volodymyr Holovatsky, M. Yakhnevych, M. Chubrei |
Relationship Between Crystal Size, Morphology and Optical Properties in Garnet-Type Nanocrystals | |
Geraldine Dantelle, Alexandra Cantarano, Denis Testemale, Estelle Homeyer, Stephanie Kodjikian, Christophe Dujardin, Jean-Louis Hazemann, Alain Ibanez |
Thermostability of Spin-Valve Type Functional Elements Based on Co, Cu and Ru | |
Andriy Mykolayovych Lohvynov, I. V. Cheshko, K. S. Odnodvorets, S. I. Protsenko |
X-ray Luminescence of Y2O3 Nanopowder and Nanoceramics Sintered at Different Temperatures | |
Sergiy Kononenko, I. Mysiura, O. Kalantaryan, R. Skiba, V. Zhurenko, V. Chishkala, M. Azarenkov |
Combining the Lotus Effect and Photocatalytic Properties of Ni/Al Doped ZnO for Smart Textile Applications | |
Anatolii Orlov, Valeriia Poliukhova, Veronika Ulianova, So-Hye Cho |
4. Trends in Spintronics and Spin-related Phenomena at Nanoscale
Negative Magnetoresistance in Nanotwined NiMnGa Epitaxial Films | |
Vladimir Golub, A. Apolinario, I.R. Aseguinolaza, G.N. Kakazei, J.P. Araujo, O. Salyuk, J.M. Barandiaran, V.A. Chernenko |
Optimization of the Magnetocaloric Effect in Arrays of Nanomagnets Based on Ni3Pt | |
Serhii Igorovich Vorobiov, Vladimir Komanicky, Erik Čižmár, Martin Orendáč |
Influence of Irradiation with Deuterium Ions on the Magnetic Properties and Structure of Nickel | |
Oleksandr Morozov, Oleksandr Mats, Nikolay Chernyak, Volodymyr Zhurba |
Collective Spin Dynamics of Ni80Fe20 Nano-Dot Arrays Arranged in Different Lattice Symmetries with Varying Inter-Dot Separation | |
Sucheta Mondal, Saswati Barman, Samiran Choudhury, YoshiChika Otani, Anjan Barman |
Order – Disorder Transition in Inverse Heusler Alloys | |
Vladimir Khovaylo, Ivan Gavrikov, Dmitry Karpenkov, Marina Seredina, Ratnamala Chatterjee, Rie Y. Umetsu |
Spin Crossover Phenomena in SmCo0.5Ga0.5O3 | |
Vasyl Hreb, Leonid Vasylechko, Andriy Tupys, Iryna Lutsyuk, Dmitry Chernyshov |
Spin-Wave Modes in sub-100 nm YIG Waveguides | |
Andrii Chumak |
Electrical Resistivity and Hall Effect in Ferrimagnetic Mn2CoSn Heusler Alloy | |
M. Seredina, D. Karpenkov, M. Zhelezny, A. Risunkov, R. Chatterjee, R. Y. Umetsu, V. Khovaylo |
Magnetoresistance and the Domain Structure of Film Nanostructural Alloys | |
Yurii Myhailovych Shabelnyk, Yu. O. Shkurdoda, A. M. Chornous, V. B. Loboda, S. M. Khursenko, L. V. Dekhtyaruk |
5. Thin Films, Nanostructured Materials and Coatings
Flux Channeling in YBa2Cu3O7 Superlattices | |
Hans Mollatt, Thomas Qureishy, Adrian Crisan, V. S. Dang, Pavlo Mikheenko |
Stain Effect on the Properties of Polar Dielectric Thin Films | |
Alexander Tkach, Olena Okhay, André Santos, Sebastian Zlotnik, Ricardo Serrazina, Paula M. Vilarinho, M. Elisabete Costa |
Doping ZnO Hydrothermally Deposited Nanocrystals with Transitional Metals | |
Eugene Chubenko, Ivan Gerasimenko, Vitaly Bondarenko, Kazimir Yanushkevich |
Effect of Temperature on the Growth of Pores in Binary Bi/Sn Films | |
Vladimir Nikolayevich Sukhov, Sergei Ivanovich Petrushenko, Dukarov Valentinovich Dukarov, Zoya Viktorovna Bloshenko, Igor' Georgievich Churilov |
Formation of Co / Cu / NiFe2O4 (Nanpaticles) Spin-valve Type Functional Elements | |
Oleksandr Bezdidko, D. Kostiuk, I. Cheshko, S. Protsenko |
Multilayer Design of CrN/MoN Superhard Protective Coatings and Their Characterisation | |
Bogdan Postolnyi, O. V. Bondar, K. Zaleski, E. Coy, S. Jurga, L. Rebouta, J.P. Araujo |
Exchange Biased NiFe/IrMn/NiFe Trilayers with High and Low Ni Relative Content | |
Christina Gritsenko, Valeria Rodionova, Anton Berg, Georgy Babaytsev, Irina Dzhun, Nikolay Chechenin |
Functionally Graded Carbide Surfaces as Electrodes for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction | |
Emerson Coy, Luis Yate, Drochss P. Valencia, Willian Aperador, Katarzyna Siuzdak, Pau Torruella, Eduardo Azanza, Sonia Estrade, Karol Załęski, Igor Iatsunskyi, Stefan Jurga, Francesca Peiro, Xixiang Zhang, Javier Tejada, Yanguang Li, Ronald F. Ziolo |
Thermostable Properties of Nanostructures Based on Fe and Noble Metal as Sensitive Elements of Flexible Electronics | |
Olena Petrivna Tkach, Iryna Volodymyrivna Chesko, Mykola Volodymyrovych Vasuhno, Oleksandr Volodymyrovych Vlasenko, Larysa Valentynivna Odnodvorets |
The Structural Properties of Thin Nanocrystalline Layers of Zn1-xMgxO with Different Mg Composition | |
Oleksii Diachenko, Anatoliy Opanasyuk, Igor Shelest, Nadia Opanasyuk, Aurimas Čerškus |
6. Nanomaterials for Clean Energy and Environment
PbTeThin Films Grown by PLD Method | |
Ihor Virt, S. Adamiak, B. Cieniek, Y. Tur, I. Ye. Lopatynskyi, M. S. Frugynskyi |
7. Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials for Life Sciences
Multifunctional Magnetic Nanoparticles in Cancer Therapy | |
Maxim A. Abakumov, Alevtina S. Semkina, Tatiana O. Abakumova, Alexander G. Majouga, Alexander V. Kabanov, Valdimir P. Chekhonin |