1. Synthesis and Properties of Nanomaterials
Production of Composite ZrO2-ZnO Nanoparticles Using Advanced Co-precipitation Process and Determination their Photo-oxidative Properties by Oxidation of C60 fullerene. | |
Igor Danilenko, O. Gorban, S. Gorban, G. Volkova, V. Glazunova, T. Konstantinova |
Field-Induced Transitions in Nematic Liquid Crystals | |
Andrii Korostil, M. Krupa, D. Deretcha, Yu. Skyrta |
Measurement of the Refractive Index of Au Sol under Illumination with Light Irradiation | |
Yuliia Harahuts, Valerii Pavlov, Elena Mokrinskaya, Irina Davidenko, Nikolay Davidenko, Nataliya Kutsevol, Antonina Naumenko, Irina Shton |
Synthesis and Luminescence Study of Mn-Doped Nanosized Al2O3 | |
Olena Khomenko, I.V. Berezovskaya, I.V. Stoyanova, N.P. Efryushina, V.P. Dotsenko, N.I. Poletaev, M.E. Khlebnikova |
Investigation of the Phase Formation Processes in the System Со2+/SO42-/H2O/Н+/OH- | |
Alena Derimova, L Frolova |
Effect of the Partial Substitution of Fe by Ni on the Structure of Nanocrystalline NixFe3-xO4 Ferrites Obtained by Co-Preciptation | |
Alena Derimova, L Frolova |
Magnetic Properties of Nanoparticles Formed on the Steel Surface Contacting with Aurum-bearing Water Solutions | |
Olena Mykolaivna Lavrynenko, Natalia Oleksandrivna Dudchenko, Yurij Serhiyovych Shchukin, Alexander Borisovich Brik |
Samarium Luminescence Spectra of MgAl2O4 : Sm3+ Nanoparticles: Impact of Samarium Content and Temperature Treating | |
Karina Valentynivna Lamonova, I. Danilenko, G. Volkova, S. Orel, Yu. Pashkevich, O. Viagin, P. Maksimchuk, Yu. Malyukin |
Study of Thermal Transport Anisotropy in Porous Silicon Systems by Raman Technique | |
Mykola Isaiev, Oles Didukh, Volodymyr Lysenko, Ali Belarouci |
Mechanochemical Synthesis of Nanosized Compounds in CeO2-MoO3 System | |
Olena Sachuk, V. Zazhigalov, O. Diyuk, I. Bacherikova, O. Posudievsky, N. Shcherban |
Formation of Nano-Sized Surface Structures in Adsorptive Multi-Layer Systems | |
Alina V. Dvornichenko, Vasyl O. Kharchenko, Iryna O. Lysenko |
The Investigation of the Welding Process of Different-Type Polyethylenes | |
Maksym Kovalchuk, Maksym Iurzhenko, Valeriy Demchenko, Igor Senchenkov |
TiO2-SnO2 Nanocomposites Obtained by Hydrothermal Method | |
Anastasiya Kutuzova, Tetiana Dontsova |
Properties of TiO2 and SnO2 in a State of Different Dispersion and Morphology | |
Andrii Sviderskyi, Tetiana Yashchenko, Svitlana Nahirniak, Tetiana Dontsova, Sławomir Kalinowski |
Influence of Various Factors on the Goethite Synthesis | |
Alena V. Derimova, L. A. Frolova, A. A. Pivovarov |
Development of Silicon-Based Structures for Micro- and Nanosystem Devices Operable in Harsh Conditions | |
Anatoliy Olexandrovich Druzhinin, Yu. Khoverko, S. Nichkalo, I. Kogut, V. Holota |
Investigation by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy of Relaxation of Electrical Properties of Nanopowder System Based on Zirconia after Baric Stress | |
Artem V. Shylo, A. Doroshkevich, A. Saprukina, T. Konstantinova, E. Askerov, A. Islamov, A. Madadzada, V. Bodnarchuk, T. Zelenyak, D. Lazar, V. Almasan, A. Lyubchyk |
Application of RAFT Polymerization for Synthesis of a Novel Sliding Nanogel with Bis(α-Cyclodextrin) | |
Maryam Monajati, Ali Tamaddon, Sedigheh Borandeh, Samira Sadat Abolmaali, Hanieh Najafi, Rasoul Dinarvand |
Influence of Cold Isostatic Pressure on Formation of Secondary Nanoscale Zirconia Inclusions in Alumina Grains in Ceramic Composites 3Y-TZP with Small Amount of Al2O3 | |
Leonid Akhkozov, I. Danilenko, G. Volkova, V. Glazunova, V. Burkhovetski, T. Konstantinova, G. Lasko, S. Schmauder |
The Modeling of the Apatite Nanocrystals of Bone, Illustrating It's Physicochemical Evolution and Surface Reactivity | |
Kostiantyn Dyadyura, L. F. Sukhodub, Ihor V. Prokopovich, Hennadii O. Oborskyi |
Plasma Based Nanoparticle Synthesis: from Preparation to Function | |
Oleksandr Polonskyi, Alexander Vahl, Jonas Drewes, Alexander Hinz, Thomas Strunskus, Nicolai Ababii, Tim Reimer, Steffen Chemnitz, Oleg Lupan, Reiner Adelung, Franz Faupel |
Mg Doped ZnO Nanoinks for Printed Electronics | |
Oleksii Diachenko, Oleksandr Huzenko, Oleksandr Dobrozhan, Denys Kurbatov, Anatoliy Opanasyuk |
Phase, Grain and Pores Studies of Temperature-Sensitive Cu0.4Ni0.4Co0.4Mn1.8O4 Ceramics | |
Halyna Klym, Roman Dunets, Ivan Hadzaman, Ivan Karbovnyk, Oleh Shpotyuk |
2. Carbon-based and other 2D materials
Study of Self-assembled 2D Ag Nanostructures Intercalated into In4Se3 Layered Semiconductor Crystal | |
Pavlo V Galiy, Taras M Nenchuk, O.R. Dveriy, Piotr Mazur, A. A. Ciszewski, Igor O. Poplavskyy |
3. Photonics & Nanomaterials
Shape-Controlled Synthesis of Rhodium Nanoparticles for UV Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy | |
Ravi Kant Soni, Rupali Das |
Time-Resolved Photoluminescence of CdSe/CdS/CdZnS Quantum Dots | |
Vladimir Pavlenko, Igor Dobynde, Tatiana Shemyakova, Igor Beloussov, Dmitry Ozol |
Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of HgTe/CdHgTe Quantum Wells | |
Ihor Ivanovych Izhnin, Olexandr Yurijovych Bonchyk, Hryhory Volodymyrovych Savytskyy, Zbigniev Swiatek, Jerzy Morgiel, Alexandr Vasiljevych Voitsekhovskii, Alexandr Grigorjevych Korotaev, Nikolaj Nikolajevych Mikhailov, Vasilij Semionovych Varavin, Sergej Alexejevych Dvoretsky, Karim Dzhafarovych Mynbaev, Olena Ivanivna Fitsych |
Detection of Transverse Displacements of Microstructures in Nano-scale Range by Optical Cross-correlation Technique | |
Svitlana Bugaychuk, A. Negriyko, P. Yezhov, L. Derzhypolska, L. Tarakhan, V. Gnatovskyy |
The Problem of Optimal Plasmonic Nanostructures Choice for SERS Applications | |
Victoria Bundyukova, Dzmitry Yakimchuk, Egor Kaniukov, Alena Shumskaya, Maksim Kutuzau, Sergey Demaynov, Vladimir Sivakov |
Plasmons and Carrier Mobility in the Wide HgTe Quantum Wells | |
Joanna Gumenjuk-Sichevska, E. O. Melezhik, S. A. Dvoretsky, N. N. Mikhailov |
Relationship Between Crystal Size, Morphology and Optical Properties in Garnet-Type Nanocrystals | |
Geraldine Dantelle, Alexandra Cantarano, Denis Testemale, Estelle Homeyer, Stephanie Kodjikian, Christophe Dujardin, Jean-Louis Hazemann, Alain Ibanez |
Biintercalation and Electron Energy Spectrum in Layer Nanostructures | |
Natalia K. Tovstyuk, Tetyana D. Krushelnytska, Mykola M. Romanyuk, Lidiya S. Demkiv |
4. Trends in Spintronics and Spin-related Phenomena at Nanoscale
Spin Structures and Metastable Bound States of the Two-Dimensional Bimagnetoexcitons in the Lowest Landau Levels Approximation | |
Sveatoslav Moskalenko, Pyotr Khadzhi, Igor Podlesny, Evgheni Dumanov, Michael Liberman, Ion Zubac |
Impact of Temperature Dependent Octahedra Distortions on Magnetic Properties of Co-containing Double Layered Hydroxides | |
Roman Yuriievich Babkin, Yu. Pashkevich, A. Fedorchenko, E. Fertman, V. Desnenko, A. Prokhvatilov, N. Galtsov, D. Vieira, A. Salak |
Fundamental Properties of (Ga,Mn)As: Evolution from Paramagnetic Through Superparamagnetic to Ferromagnetic Phase | |
Oksana Yastrubchak, N. Tataryn, L. Gluba, S. Mamykin, L. Borkovska, O. Kolomys, J. Domagała, T. Wosinski, J. Żuk, M. Sawicki, J. Sadowski |
Understanding the Magnetization Reversal in High-Anisotropy Thin Films and Patterned Nanostructures | |
Toshiyuki Shima, K. Ohwada, T. Sato, M. Doi |
Nonreciprocity of Spin Wave Damping in Magnets with Long-Period Magnetic Ordering | |
Alexander Gennadievich Danilevich, V. G. Bar’yakhtar, V. N. Krivoruchko |
Spin-Related Phenomena in Nanoscale Si (B, Ni) Whiskers | |
Anatoliy Olexandrovich Druzhinin, Igor Ostrovskii, Yuriy Khoverko, Natalia Shcherban, Anton Lukianchenko |
The Structural-Phase State and Magnetoresistive Properties of Very Thin Film Alloys, Obtained Co-evaporated Cu and Co | |
Ihor O. Shpetnyi, Ivan Yu. Protsenko, Daria Kondrakhova, Blazej Scheibe, Viktor Grebinaha, Dmytro O. Derecha, Yuri I. Gorobets |
Magnetoresistance and the Domain Structure of Film Nanostructural Alloys | |
Yurii Myhailovych Shabelnyk, Yu. O. Shkurdoda, A. M. Chornous, V. B. Loboda, S. M. Khursenko, L. V. Dekhtyaruk |
5. Thin Films, Nanostructured Materials and Coatings
The SiO2 and GeO2 Additives Impact on the Sintering Kinetics of Tetragonal Zirconia Nanopowders | |
Marharyta Lakusta, Igor Danilenko, Galina Volkova, Larisa Loladze, Tetyana Konstantinova |
Catalytic Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide over Nanoporous Activated Carbon: Effects of Oxidative and Thermal Treatments | |
Bohdana V. Blyzniuk, Vitaliy E. Diyuk, Vladyslav V. Lisnyak |
Flux Channeling in YBa2Cu3O7 Superlattices | |
Hans Mollatt, Thomas Qureishy, Adrian Crisan, V. S. Dang, Pavlo Mikheenko |
Silver-containing Polymer Nanocomposites | |
Valeriy Demchenko, S. Riabov, S. Kobylinskyi |
Estimating Qualitative Parameters of Aluminized Coating Obtained by Electric Spark Alloying Method | |
Viacheslav Tarelnyk, Ievgen Konoplianchenko, Oksana Gaponova, Czeslaw Kundera, Grigoriy Kirik, Vasyl Martsynkovskyy, Mykhailo Dovzhyk, Andrey Belous, Olga Vasilenko |
Investigation of Qualitative Parameters of Surface Layers Formed By Stepwise Carburizing and Sulfo-Carburizing of Steel Parts With The Use of Electroerosion Alloying Method | |
Viacheslav Tarelnyk, Ievgen Konoplianchenko, Vasyl Martsynkovskyy, Mykhailo Dovzhyk, Mihail Dumanchuk, Maksim Goncharenko, Bogdan Antoszewski, Oksana Gaponova |
Synthesis of a Conducting Polymer – Polyaniline – Based Layers Suitable for the Application in Electrochromic Sensors | |
Arunas Ramanavicius, Megha Deshmukh, Gintautas Bagdžiūnas, Almira Ramanavičienė |
Conjugated Polymers and Gold Nanostructures in the Design of Electrochromic/Electrochemical Sensors | |
Almira Ramanaviciene, Anton Popov, Benediktas Brasiunas, Andzelika Damaskaite, Arunas Ramanavicius |
Temperature Evolution of the Optical Properties in (Ga,Mn)As | |
Nataliia Tataryn, O. Yastrubchak, R. Kuna, L. Gluba, L. Borkovska, O. Kolomys, J. Domagała, T. Wosinski, M. Sawicki, J. Sadowski |
Effect of Temperature on the Growth of Pores in Binary Bi/Sn Films | |
Vladimir Nikolayevich Sukhov, Sergei Ivanovich Petrushenko, Dukarov Valentinovich Dukarov, Zoya Viktorovna Bloshenko, Igor' Georgievich Churilov |
Effect of Temperature on Phase Formation in Thin Bilayer Ni/GaAs Films | |
Sergei Valentinovich Dukarov, Sergei Ivanovich Petrushenko, Victoria Valerievna Miroshnychenko, Aleksandr Olegovich Nevgasimov, Vladimir Nikolaevich Sukhov |
Peculiarities of Structure of Thermoplastical Welded Joints | |
Valeriy L. Demchenko, M. V. Iurzhenko |
Influence of Roughness of the Substrate on the Structure and Mechanical Properties of WCrN Coating with Different Composition | |
Kostyantin Dyadyura, Т. P. Hоvоrun, O. V. Pylypenko, M. V. Balynskyi |
Heat-Resistant Ohmic Contact System to Polycrystalline Diamond | |
Maksim Dub, Ya. Ya. Kudryk |
Properties of Films of Cr-Co-Cu-Fe-Ni and Cr-Co-Cu-Fe-Mn-Ni Alloys Deposited by Magnetron Sputtering | |
Leonid Robertovich Shaginyan, V. F. Britun, V. F. Gorban, N. A. Krapivka, S. A. Firstov, A. V. Kotko, N. I. Danilenko |
Exchange Biased NiFe/IrMn/NiFe Trilayers with High and Low Ni Relative Content | |
Christina Gritsenko, Valeria Rodionova, Anton Berg, Georgy Babaytsev, Irina Dzhun, Nikolay Chechenin |
Nano-sized Pyramidal Pattern Formation during Epitaxial Growth in the Framework of Phase Field Modeling | |
Dmytro Olegovich Kharchenko, Alina V. Dvornichenko, Olga M. Shchokotova, Tetyana Zhylenko |
The Structural Properties of Thin Nanocrystalline Layers of Zn1-xMgxO with Different Mg Composition | |
Oleksii Diachenko, Anatoliy Opanasyuk, Igor Shelest, Nadia Opanasyuk, Aurimas Čerškus |
6. Nanomaterials for Clean Energy and Environment
Semi-Transparent UV Photodetectors Based on the Nanostructured n-ZnO/p-CuI and n-ZnO/p-NiO Diode Heterojunctions Prepared by Low Temperature Solution Growth | |
N.P. Klochko, G.S. Khrypunov, K.S. Klepikova, V.E. Korsun, D.O. Zhadan, V.R. Kopach, V.M. Lyubov, M.V. Kirichenko, A.L. Khrypunova, S.I. Petrushenko, S.V. Dukarov |
Adsorption Characteristics of Nanoporous Activated Carbon Tailored with Acidic Treatment | |
Bohdana V. Blyzniuk, Liudmyla M. Grishchenko, Vitaliy E. Diyuk, Olga Yu. Boldyrieva, Oleksandr V. Mischanchuk, Vladyslav V. Lisnyak |
Study Solid Solutions in CdS/CdTe Thin Films Heterosystems Obtaine by DC Magnetron Sputtering | |
Andrii Igorovich Dobrozhan, Galina I. Kopach, Ruslan P. Mygushchenko, Gennadiy S. Khrypunov, Mykola M. Harchenko, Olesia V. Polezhaeva |
Determination of Soil Quality Using Sensor Array | |
Svitlana Nahirniak, T. A. Dontsova |
7. Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials for Life Sciences
Ultrasound Generation Enhacement with Carbon-Based Nanoparticles as Photoacoustic Sensitizers | |
Kateryna Dubyk, Andrey Kuzmich, Mykola Isaiev, Sergii Alekseev, Boris Zousman, Olga Levinson, Alex Rozhin, Vladimir Lysenko |
Chitosan-based Composite Materials Comprising Metal or Metal Oxide Nanoparticles | |
Aleksei Kalinkevich, A. Kalinkevich, S. Danilchenko, Ye. Zinchenko, Ya. Trofimenko, O. Karpenko, V. Baturin, V. Holubnycha, M. Pogorielov, A. Sklyar |
Effect of Ultrasound Treatment on Chitosan-Silver Nanoparticles Antimicrobial Activity | |
Victoriia Holubnycha, Petro Myronov, Anatoliy Opanasyuk, Vladymyr Bugaiov, Oleksandr Dobrozhan, Maksym Pogorielov, Anna Yanovska, Oksana Kalinkevich |
Development of Chitosan Hemostatic Sponges with Different Solvents and Tranexamic Acid | |
Maksym Pogorielov, Volodymyr Deineka, Oleksandr Oleshko, Irina Liubchak, Katerina Dedkova, Roman Vasyliev, Dimitri Zubov, Aleksei Kalinkevich, Oksana Kalinkevich |
Application of Nanoporous Polymer Membranes for the Development of Enzyme-Based Biosensors | |
Ivan Kucherenko, Olha Soldatkina, Oleksandr Soldatkin, Sergei Dzyadevych |
The Characterization of Glassy Carbon Electrode Surface Modified with 2-Amino Pyridine Using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy and Contact Angle Measurement Techniques | |
Zafer Yazicigil, Tolga Duran, Tuğçe Göver, Ahmed Nuri Kurşunlu, Ersin Güler |
Carbon Nanotubes Cause Amyloid Fibrils Formation | |
Maryna Volodymyrivna Olenchuk, O. P. Gnatyuk, G. I. Dovbeshko |
WS2 Nanoparticles Inhibit the Formation of β-Sheet Amyloid Fibrils | |
G. I. Dovbeshko, O. P. Gnatyuk, P. A. Ivacnhenko, M. V. Bogdanov, O. Yu. Posudievsky |
8. Miscellaneous and Interdisciplinary Topics
Analysis and characterization of samples of agricultural soils dominated by SiO2 in Senegal | |
Mohamed El-Amine Ouesse, Abdou Ciss Wade, Gora Dieye, Mamoudou Sall, Djibril Diop |
Effects of External Parameters on Formation of Nanoparticles in Argon-Acetylene Plasma | |
Igor Borysovych Denysenko, Sergii Ivko, Nikolay Alexeyevich Azarenkov |
Scientific Principles of the Nanotechnology Management | |
K. Dyadyura, V. Shkola |
Experimental Research of Electrodynamic Parameters of Screened Dielectric Waveguides with Distributed Coupling | |
Alexander Sergeevich Krivets, I. A. Buriak, V. O. Zhurba, A. A. Drozdenko |