1. Synthesis and Properties of Nanomaterials
Production of Composite ZrO2-ZnO Nanoparticles Using Advanced Co-precipitation Process and Determination their Photo-oxidative Properties by Oxidation of C60 fullerene. | |
Igor Danilenko, O. Gorban, S. Gorban, G. Volkova, V. Glazunova, T. Konstantinova |
Synthesis, Characterization and Photophysical Properties of Three-Way Bodipy Derivative | |
ersin güler, Zafer Yazicigil, Ahmed Kursunlu |
Synthesis and Photophysical Properties of Modifiable Bodipy Including Two Benzoyl Chlorides | |
ersin güler, Ahmed Kursunlu, Zafer Yazicigil |
Equlibrium Properties of the Lattice System with SALR interaction potential on a Simple Square Lattice: Quasi-chemical Approximation versus Monte Carlo Simulation | |
Yaroslav Gennadievich Groda, Vyacheslav Vikhrenko, Dung Caprio |
To the Problem of the Creation of High-Temperature Radio-Absorbing Composite Ceramic Materials | |
Ruslan Kryvobok, G. Lisachuk, O. Lapuzina, M. Maystat, N. Kryvobok, V. Voloshuk, I. Gusarova |
Determination of Thermodynamic Stability of FeB Monoboride | |
Natalia Yu. Filonenko, Alexandra N. Galdina, Nikita A. Ivanov |
Size Distribution of Fe Oxides Particles in Water-Based and Polyethylene Glycol-Based Colloidal Solutions | |
Maryna Oleksiivna Holiatkina, Andrii Volodymyrovych Gilchuk, Anatoliy Omelianovych Perekos, Viktor Zyhfridovych Voynash, Bohdan Mykolayovych Mordiuk |
Behavior of Zirconium Hydroxide Amorphous Nanoparticles Under High Pressure: “Lotus Effect”. | |
Susanna Synyakina, Oksana Gorban, Valery Burkhovetskii, Tetyana Konstantinova |
Luminescent Composites on the Base of Microcrystalline Cellulose: Synthesis, Fabrication and Properties | |
Serhii Gerasymovich Nedilko, Oleksandr M. Alekseev, Yurii E. Grabovsky, Egor Reznichenko, Vasyl P Scherbatskyi, Volodymyr V Boyko, Vitalii P. Chornii, Valerii A Barabash, O. V. Yaschenko, Maksym S Nedielko, Smail Hamamda |
Influence of Cold Isostatic Pressure on Formation of Secondary Nanoscale Zirconia Inclusions in Alumina Grains in Ceramic Composites 3Y-TZP with Small Amount of Al2O3 | |
Leonid Akhkozov, I. Danilenko, G. Volkova, V. Glazunova, V. Burkhovetski, T. Konstantinova, G. Lasko, S. Schmauder |
Magnetic Interactions in Powder and Pressed α-Iron Nanoparticles | |
Alexander Omelyanchik, Mikhail Gorshenkov, Igor Beketov, Gaspare Varvaro, Valeria Rodionova |
Exact Solution for Localized States of Nonlinear Waves in the Structured Anharmonic Media with Two Interfaces | |
Victor S. Gerasimchuk, Olha V. Konotopchyk, Ihor Yu. Loboda, Igor V. Gerasimchuk |
Low Temperature Electrical Behavior of CNT-based Nanocomposites | |
Ivan Karbovnyk, Yuri Olenych, Dmytro Lukashevych, Dmytro Chalyy, Igor Girnyk, Mykola Rudko, Halyna Klym |
Molecular Ordering of Nematic Liquid Crystals in Tubular Nanopores: Tailoring of Optical Anisotropy at the Nanoscale by Polymer Pore-Surface Grafting | |
Andriy V. Kityk, Patrick Huber, Kathrin Sentker, Anatoliy Andrushchak, Przemysław Kula, Wiktor Piecek, Robert Wielgosz, Olha Kityk, Petra Goering, Monika Lelonek |
Scale-up of MXene Synthesis | |
Oleksiy Gogotsi, Veronika Zahorodna, Yulia Zozulya, Vitalii Balitskiy, Mykola Seredych, Babak Anasori, Yury Gogotsi |
2. Carbon-based and other 2D materials
Study of Self-assembled 2D Ag Nanostructures Intercalated into In4Se3 Layered Semiconductor Crystal | |
Pavlo V Galiy, Taras M Nenchuk, O.R. Dveriy, Piotr Mazur, A. A. Ciszewski, Igor O. Poplavskyy |
Modification of the Ultradispersed Diamonds Surface by Vacuum Heat Treatment | |
Grigory Gusakov, A.A. Lugovski, A.P. Lugovski, M.P. Samtsov, I.I. Azarko, V.A. Parhomenko |
Ionization of Impurities by an Alternating Electric Field in the Gap Graphene Modification | |
Polina Vyacheslavovna Badikova, Sergey Yurievich Glazov |
MXenes - Expanding the World of 2D Materials | |
Yury Gogotsi |
Increasing Thickness of Coarse-Grained Carbon Electrodes for High Device Capacitance | |
Oleksiy Gogotsi, Vladimir Izotov, Xuehang Wang, Dmytro Havrykov, Illia Koltsov, Wei Han, Alla Serhienko, Ivan Hrysko, Yulia Zozulya, Olga Linyucheva, Vitaliy Balitskiy, Veronika Zahorodna, Yury Gogotsi |
3. Photonics & Nanomaterials
Enhanced Nonlinear-Optical Response of LiKB4O7 Glass Containing Ag Nanoparticles | |
Volodymyr T. Adamiv, Igor M. Teslyuk, Roman V. Gamernyk, Serhiy Z. Malynych |
Formation of Transparent Ceramic Films Based on Zirconia | |
Oksana Gorban, V. Lubenetz, S. Gorban, G. Volkova, V. Burkhovetskii, T.E. Konstantinova |
Detection of Transverse Displacements of Microstructures in Nano-scale Range by Optical Cross-correlation Technique | |
Svitlana Bugaychuk, A. Negriyko, P. Yezhov, L. Derzhypolska, L. Tarakhan, V. Gnatovskyy |
Plasmons and Carrier Mobility in the Wide HgTe Quantum Wells | |
Joanna Gumenjuk-Sichevska, E. O. Melezhik, S. A. Dvoretsky, N. N. Mikhailov |
Nano-Polishing of the Surface of a Quartz Substrate Using an Evanescent Wave | |
Dmytro Vasylenko, Petro Kravchuk, Valerii Grygoruk |
Structural Properties of Ag-As-S Chalcogenide Glasses | |
Liubov Revutska, Myhaylo Popovych, Kostyantyn Shportko, Alexandr Stronski, O. P. Paiuk, A. Y. Gudymenko, A. O. Gubanova |
Angular Momentum of a Field Formed by Superposition of Two Plane Waves with Different Frequencies | |
Igor Mokhun, Yulia Viktorovskaya, Yuriy Galushko, Ihor Bodyanchuk |
Encapsulated Liquid Crystals Doped with Nanoparticles | |
Anatoliy Glushchenko, Yuriy Garbovskiy |
4. Trends in Spintronics and Spin-related Phenomena at Nanoscale
Negative Magnetoresistance in Nanotwined NiMnGa Epitaxial Films | |
Vladimir Golub, A. Apolinario, I.R. Aseguinolaza, G.N. Kakazei, J.P. Araujo, O. Salyuk, J.M. Barandiaran, V.A. Chernenko |
Magnetically Anisotropic Systems Based on Liquid Crystals and Magnetic Fluids | |
Peter Kopcansky, Natalia Tomasovicova, Veronika Gdovinova, Jozefina Majorosova, Milan Timko, Nandor Eber, Tibor Toth-Katona, Jan Jadzyn, Chin- Kun Hu, Wen-Jong Ma |
Impact of Temperature Dependent Octahedra Distortions on Magnetic Properties of Co-containing Double Layered Hydroxides | |
Roman Yuriievich Babkin, Yu. Pashkevich, A. Fedorchenko, E. Fertman, V. Desnenko, A. Prokhvatilov, N. Galtsov, D. Vieira, A. Salak |
Fundamental Properties of (Ga,Mn)As: Evolution from Paramagnetic Through Superparamagnetic to Ferromagnetic Phase | |
Oksana Yastrubchak, N. Tataryn, L. Gluba, S. Mamykin, L. Borkovska, O. Kolomys, J. Domagała, T. Wosinski, J. Żuk, M. Sawicki, J. Sadowski |
Order – Disorder Transition in Inverse Heusler Alloys | |
Vladimir Khovaylo, Ivan Gavrikov, Dmitry Karpenkov, Marina Seredina, Ratnamala Chatterjee, Rie Y. Umetsu |
The Structural-Phase State and Magnetoresistive Properties of Very Thin Film Alloys, Obtained Co-evaporated Cu and Co | |
Ihor O. Shpetnyi, Ivan Yu. Protsenko, Daria Kondrakhova, Blazej Scheibe, Viktor Grebinaha, Dmytro O. Derecha, Yuri I. Gorobets |
5. Thin Films, Nanostructured Materials and Coatings
Doping ZnO Hydrothermally Deposited Nanocrystals with Transitional Metals | |
Eugene Chubenko, Ivan Gerasimenko, Vitaly Bondarenko, Kazimir Yanushkevich |
Alternative Methods for Forming Sliding Surfaces of Face Impulse Seals | |
Viacheslav Tarelnyk, Ievgen Konoplianchenko, Vasyl Martsynkovskyy, Aleksey Zhukov, Nataliia Tarelnyk, Bogdan Antoszewski, Czeslaw Kundera, Gennadiy Smolyarov, Oksana Gaponova, Aleksey Kozachenko |
Estimating Qualitative Parameters of Aluminized Coating Obtained by Electric Spark Alloying Method | |
Viacheslav Tarelnyk, Ievgen Konoplianchenko, Oksana Gaponova, Czeslaw Kundera, Grigoriy Kirik, Vasyl Martsynkovskyy, Mykhailo Dovzhyk, Andrey Belous, Olga Vasilenko |
Investigation of Qualitative Parameters of Surface Layers Formed By Stepwise Carburizing and Sulfo-Carburizing of Steel Parts With The Use of Electroerosion Alloying Method | |
Viacheslav Tarelnyk, Ievgen Konoplianchenko, Vasyl Martsynkovskyy, Mykhailo Dovzhyk, Mihail Dumanchuk, Maksim Goncharenko, Bogdan Antoszewski, Oksana Gaponova |
Temperature Evolution of the Optical Properties in (Ga,Mn)As | |
Nataliia Tataryn, O. Yastrubchak, R. Kuna, L. Gluba, L. Borkovska, O. Kolomys, J. Domagała, T. Wosinski, M. Sawicki, J. Sadowski |
Emission from a Stack of Josephson Junctions with Gaussian Spread of Critical Currents | |
Volodymyr Eugeniyevych Shaternik, Olexandr Mykolajovych Grib, Ruslan Volodymyrovych Vovk, Sergiy Viktorovych Savich |
Properties of Films of Cr-Co-Cu-Fe-Ni and Cr-Co-Cu-Fe-Mn-Ni Alloys Deposited by Magnetron Sputtering | |
Leonid Robertovich Shaginyan, V. F. Britun, V. F. Gorban, N. A. Krapivka, S. A. Firstov, A. V. Kotko, N. I. Danilenko |
Exchange Biased NiFe/IrMn/NiFe Trilayers with High and Low Ni Relative Content | |
Christina Gritsenko, Valeria Rodionova, Anton Berg, Georgy Babaytsev, Irina Dzhun, Nikolay Chechenin |
Evolution of Magnetotransport Properties in (Cr1-xMnx)2AlC MAX-phase with a Small Manganese Incorporation | |
Kirill Sobolev, Kamil Kolincio, Andrey Emelyanov, Aleksandra Mielewczyk-Gryn, Maria Gazda, Nikolai Perov, Valeria Rodionova |
Influence of RF-magnetron Sputtering System Parameters on the Process of Thin Films Nanostructure Formation | |
Alexander Goncharov, Andrey Yunda, Alexander Pogrebnjak, Igor Shelest, Vladimir Buranich, Valeriy Loboda |
6. Nanomaterials for Clean Energy and Environment
Adsorption Characteristics of Nanoporous Activated Carbon Tailored with Acidic Treatment | |
Bohdana V. Blyzniuk, Liudmyla M. Grishchenko, Vitaliy E. Diyuk, Olga Yu. Boldyrieva, Oleksandr V. Mischanchuk, Vladyslav V. Lisnyak |
7. Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials for Life Sciences
The Characterization of Glassy Carbon Electrode Surface Modified with 2-Amino Pyridine Using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy and Contact Angle Measurement Techniques | |
Zafer Yazicigil, Tolga Duran, Tuğçe Göver, Ahmed Nuri Kurşunlu, Ersin Güler |
Microwave Assisted Formation of the Chitosan/Hydroxyapatite Scaffold for Bone Tissue Regeneration | |
Liudmyla Borysivna Sukhodub, Mariya Oleksandrivna Kumeda, Vladislav Ivanovych Gapon, Leonid Fedorovych Sukhodub |
Carbon Nanotubes Cause Amyloid Fibrils Formation | |
Maryna Volodymyrivna Olenchuk, O. P. Gnatyuk, G. I. Dovbeshko |
WS2 Nanoparticles Inhibit the Formation of β-Sheet Amyloid Fibrils | |
G. I. Dovbeshko, O. P. Gnatyuk, P. A. Ivacnhenko, M. V. Bogdanov, O. Yu. Posudievsky |
8. Miscellaneous and Interdisciplinary Topics
The Electrochemical Investigation Behaviour of Malachite Green Using CeO2 Nanoparticles and Nafion Modified Glassy Carbon Electrodes | |
Zafer Yazıcıgil, Elife Özen, İssa Malam Mahamadou, Esra Bilici, Ersin Güler |
Determining the Stable Operation Range of the Equipment to Obtain NH4NO3 Granules with Nanoporous Structure | |
Artem Artyukhov, Andrii Ivaniia, Andrii Ol’khovyk, Roman Galenin, Liudmyla Batsenko |
Surface Temperture Mapping in Superconducting Thin Films | |
Gordiyenko Eduard, Shustakova Galyna, Fomenko Yuliya, N. Glushchuk |