1. Synthesis and Properties of Nanomaterials
Characterization of Porous Silicon Based Composite Nanostructures by Means of Photoacoustic Technique | |
Pavlo Lishchuk, Mykola Isaiev |
Study of Thermal Transport Anisotropy in Porous Silicon Systems by Raman Technique | |
Mykola Isaiev, Oles Didukh, Volodymyr Lysenko, Ali Belarouci |
Novel Heating Elements Based on Conductive Polymer Nanocomposites | |
Roman Kolisnyk, Mykola Korab, Maksym Iurzhenko, Olha Masiuchok, Yevgen Mamunya, Sebastien Pruvost |
The Investigation of the Welding Process of Different-Type Polyethylenes | |
Maksym Kovalchuk, Maksym Iurzhenko, Valeriy Demchenko, Igor Senchenkov |
Determination of Thermodynamic Stability of FeB Monoboride | |
Natalia Yu. Filonenko, Alexandra N. Galdina, Nikita A. Ivanov |
Luminescence and Nanopores in Spinel ZnGa2O4 Ceramics Doped with Mn2+ Ion | |
Oleh Kravets, О. Zaremba, Ya. Shpotyuk, A. Luchechko, K. Szmuc, J. Cebulski, A. Ingram, O. Shpotyuk |
Investigation by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy of Relaxation of Electrical Properties of Nanopowder System Based on Zirconia after Baric Stress | |
Artem V. Shylo, A. Doroshkevich, A. Saprukina, T. Konstantinova, E. Askerov, A. Islamov, A. Madadzada, V. Bodnarchuk, T. Zelenyak, D. Lazar, V. Almasan, A. Lyubchyk |
Synthesis Methods and Modern Direction in Modification of Nickel Cobaltite and Composite Nanoparticles with It's Participation | |
Anastasiia Voronova, Irina Ivanenko |
Study of Magnetic Behavior of Magnetite Nanoparticles Dispersed in Fluid | |
Alexander Omelyanchik, Sara Laureti, Gaspare Varvaro, Valeria Rodionova, Vladan Kusigerski, Nikola Knezevic, Davide Peddis, Erzsébet Illés |
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Multilayered α-AlN/α-BCN Coatings Depending on Flux Density During Target B4C Sputtering | |
Volodymyr Ivashchenko, Vladyslav Rogoz, Tomasz Koltunovicz, Anatoliy Kupchishin |
Experimental protocols for measuring magnetic properties of nanoparticles dispersed in a fluids | |
Alexander Omelyanchik, Valeria Rodionova, Davide Peddis, Gaspare Varvaro, Sara Laureti, María Salvador, Ana Mrakovic, Nikola Knezevic, Vladan Kusigerski, Erzsébet Illés |
2. Carbon-based and other 2D materials
Effect of Preparaton Conditions on the Properties of Langmuir Films of N-doped Graphene Oxide | |
Niyazbek Ibrayev, Evgeniya Seliverstova, Almar Zhumabekov |
Graphene Synthesis from Natural Flake Graphite | |
Eugene Strativnov, Alex Kozhan, Andrey Pazeev, Yaroslav Ivachkin |
The Point of Zero Charge and H2O2 Decomposition Activity of Nanoporous Carbon Modified with Nitrogen and Cobalt Nanoparticles | |
Anastasiia O. Ruda, Iryna M. Ivanenko, Andrii P. Burmak |
Increasing Thickness of Coarse-Grained Carbon Electrodes for High Device Capacitance | |
Oleksiy Gogotsi, Vladimir Izotov, Xuehang Wang, Dmytro Havrykov, Illia Koltsov, Wei Han, Alla Serhienko, Ivan Hrysko, Yulia Zozulya, Olga Linyucheva, Vitaliy Balitskiy, Veronika Zahorodna, Yury Gogotsi |
3. Photonics & Nanomaterials
Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of HgTe/CdHgTe Quantum Wells | |
Ihor Ivanovych Izhnin, Olexandr Yurijovych Bonchyk, Hryhory Volodymyrovych Savytskyy, Zbigniev Swiatek, Jerzy Morgiel, Alexandr Vasiljevych Voitsekhovskii, Alexandr Grigorjevych Korotaev, Nikolaj Nikolajevych Mikhailov, Vasilij Semionovych Varavin, Sergej Alexejevych Dvoretsky, Karim Dzhafarovych Mynbaev, Olena Ivanivna Fitsych |
Influence of Direct Impingement of Atoms onto the Islands During the Stranski–Krastanow Growth | |
Ihor Ivanovych Izhnin, Ihor Ihorovych Syvorotka, Kirill Alexandrovych Lozovoy, Andrey Pavlovych Kokhanenko, Alexander Vasyljevych Voitsekhovskii |
Silicon Hyperdoped with Selenium by Ion Implantation Followed by Pulsed Laser Annealing | |
Fadei Fadeevich Komarov, Nikita Sergeevich Nechaev, Liudmila Alexandrovna Vlasukova, Irina Nikolaevna Parkhomenko, Gennady Dmitrievich Ivlev, Ivan Alexandrovich Romanov, Elke Wendler |
Plasmonic Effect of Silver Island Films on Fӧrster Energy Transfer between Organic Dyes in Langmuir Films | |
Niyazbek Ibrayev, Nazerke Zhumabay, Gulden Omarova, Evgeniya Seliverstova |
Relationship Between Crystal Size, Morphology and Optical Properties in Garnet-Type Nanocrystals | |
Geraldine Dantelle, Alexandra Cantarano, Denis Testemale, Estelle Homeyer, Stephanie Kodjikian, Christophe Dujardin, Jean-Louis Hazemann, Alain Ibanez |
5. Thin Films, Nanostructured Materials and Coatings
Ab-Initio Study of the Heterostructures Based on Transition Metal Compounds | |
Vladimir Ivanovich Ivaschenko, Nazarii Romanovitch Mediukh |
Preparation and Physical Properties of Superionic Cu7GeS5I-based Nano-ceramic and Thin Film | |
Ihor Petrovych Studenyak, V.Yu. Izai, A.V. Bendak, Yu.V. Minets, O.P. Kokhan, M. Mikula, P. Kúš, T. Šalkus, A. Kežionis, A.F. Orliukas |
Electroactive Polymer Nanocomposites for Additive Technologies | |
Olha Masiuchok, M. Iurzhenko, Ye. Mamunya, R. Kolisnyk |
Peculiarities of Structure of Thermoplastical Welded Joints | |
Valeriy L. Demchenko, M. V. Iurzhenko |
The Impact of Humidifier’s Type and Properties on the Nanopores Structure in the Ammonium Nitrate Granules | |
Artem Artyukhov, Andrii Ivaniia, Nadiia Artyukhova, Andrii Ol’khovyk |
Investigation of 3D Nanoporous Structure Formation Process Controlling Mechanisms on the Surface аnd Inside the Granule of Ammonium Nitrate | |
Artem Artyukhov, Andrii Ivaniia, Andrii Ol’khovyk, Jan Krmela |
Functionally Graded Carbide Surfaces as Electrodes for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction | |
Emerson Coy, Luis Yate, Drochss P. Valencia, Willian Aperador, Katarzyna Siuzdak, Pau Torruella, Eduardo Azanza, Sonia Estrade, Karol Załęski, Igor Iatsunskyi, Stefan Jurga, Francesca Peiro, Xixiang Zhang, Javier Tejada, Yanguang Li, Ronald F. Ziolo |
Granular Effects in Multicomponent Film Materials | |
M. Shumakova, S. Ilin, A. Rylova, Yu. Bereznyak, B. Khyzenko, I. Yu. Protsenko |
6. Nanomaterials for Clean Energy and Environment
Magnetically Separable Catalysts for the Hydrolysis of Borohydrides | |
Serhii Lesik, I. M. Ivanenko, A. O. Perecos |
7. Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials for Life Sciences
Ultrasound Generation Enhacement with Carbon-Based Nanoparticles as Photoacoustic Sensitizers | |
Kateryna Dubyk, Andrey Kuzmich, Mykola Isaiev, Sergii Alekseev, Boris Zousman, Olga Levinson, Alex Rozhin, Vladimir Lysenko |
Magnetic Properties and Induction Heating Ability Studies of Mn Substitution CuFe2O4 Nanoparticles for Hyperthermia Treatment of Tumours | |
Diaa EL-Rahman Ahmed Rayan Melegy, Mahmoud Mohamed Ismail |
WS2 Nanoparticles Inhibit the Formation of β-Sheet Amyloid Fibrils | |
G. I. Dovbeshko, O. P. Gnatyuk, P. A. Ivacnhenko, M. V. Bogdanov, O. Yu. Posudievsky |
8. Miscellaneous and Interdisciplinary Topics
Effects of External Parameters on Formation of Nanoparticles in Argon-Acetylene Plasma | |
Igor Borysovych Denysenko, Sergii Ivko, Nikolay Alexeyevich Azarenkov |
Determining the Stable Operation Range of the Equipment to Obtain NH4NO3 Granules with Nanoporous Structure | |
Artem Artyukhov, Andrii Ivaniia, Andrii Ol’khovyk, Roman Galenin, Liudmyla Batsenko |