1. Synthesis and Properties of Nanomaterials
Hybrid Inorganic-Organic Route to Nanostructured Strontium Titanate Ceramics | |
Aldona Beganskiene, A. Zarkov, A. Kareiva, A. Stanulis, R. Ramanauskas, A. M. Klonkowski |
Unique Role of Graphite Nanoplatelets in Upgrading Biodegradable Polymer Systems | |
Ivan Kelnar |
Production of Composite ZrO2-ZnO Nanoparticles Using Advanced Co-precipitation Process and Determination their Photo-oxidative Properties by Oxidation of C60 fullerene. | |
Igor Danilenko, O. Gorban, S. Gorban, G. Volkova, V. Glazunova, T. Konstantinova |
Field-Induced Transitions in Nematic Liquid Crystals | |
Andrii Korostil, M. Krupa, D. Deretcha, Yu. Skyrta |
Carbon Nanomaterials from Coal Pyrolysis Products | |
Lina Kieush, Anatolii Starovoit |
Measurement of the Refractive Index of Au Sol under Illumination with Light Irradiation | |
Yuliia Harahuts, Valerii Pavlov, Elena Mokrinskaya, Irina Davidenko, Nikolay Davidenko, Nataliya Kutsevol, Antonina Naumenko, Irina Shton |
Synthesis and Luminescence Study of Mn-Doped Nanosized Al2O3 | |
Olena Khomenko, I.V. Berezovskaya, I.V. Stoyanova, N.P. Efryushina, V.P. Dotsenko, N.I. Poletaev, M.E. Khlebnikova |
Synthesis, Characterization and Photophysical Properties of Three-Way Bodipy Derivative | |
ersin güler, Zafer Yazicigil, Ahmed Kursunlu |
Synthesis and Photophysical Properties of Modifiable Bodipy Including Two Benzoyl Chlorides | |
ersin güler, Ahmed Kursunlu, Zafer Yazicigil |
Dynamic Mechanical Properties and Morphology of POSS-containing Nanocomposites Based on PU/polyHPMA Sequential Semi-IPNs | |
Lyubov Honcharova, L Karabanova, N Babkina, D Klymchuk, V Sapsay |
Synthesis and Catalytic Properties of Ni@Ag Bimetallic Nanostructures | |
Andriy Kytsya, L. Bazylyak, O. Pobigun-Halaiska, I. Opeida, P. Simon, I. Zelenina |
One-pot Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles and Composite Materials for Drinking Water Disinfection | |
Margarita Ivanovna Skiba, Alexander Pivovarov, Sorochina Kateryna, Victoria Vorobyova |
Effect of Various Additives and Method of Sintering on the Silicon Nitride Phase Transformation | |
Olga Lukianova, Vladimir Krasil'nikov, Roman Bogachev, Alexander Parkhomenko, Andrey Kartamyshev |
Specificities of the Controlled Synthesis of Nanostructured Oxides in the Dust Flame | |
Mariia Khlebnikova, Poletaev Nikolai, Khanchych Katerina |
Formation of Oxide Crystals on the Surface of Porous Indium Phosphide | |
Yana Oleksandrivna Suchikova, Igor Timofeevich Bogdanov, Hanna Oleksandrivna Lopatina, Dmitriy Vasylovych Kamensky, Volodymyr Oleksandrovich Myroshnychenko, Natalya Yurevna Tsybuliak |
Investigation of Critical Points of Pore-Formation Voltage on the Surface of Semiconductors of А3В5 Group | |
Yana Oleksandrivna Suchikova, Igor Timofeevich Bogdanov, Sergij Vambol, Viola Vambol, Olexandr Kondratenko |
Novel Heating Elements Based on Conductive Polymer Nanocomposites | |
Roman Kolisnyk, Mykola Korab, Maksym Iurzhenko, Olha Masiuchok, Yevgen Mamunya, Sebastien Pruvost |
Synthesis and Structure of Ni–based Nanopowders | |
Ihor Yu. Zavaliy, A. Kytsya, Yu. Verbovytskyy, Yu. Kulyk, P. Zavalij |
Corn Stalks as Ecofriendly Sources for Carbon Nanomaterials | |
Lina Kieush, Andrii Koveria, Andrii Hrubiak, Bohdan Rachii, Volodymyr Kotsyubynsky |
Preparation of Graphene by Anodic Bonding to the Surface of Borosilicate Glass | |
Vladimir Igorevich Kontchenkov, Viktor Evgenievich Sivko, Dmitry Viktorovich Zav'yalov, Sergei Sergeevich Zhukov |
Formation of the Core-Shell Structures from Janus-Like Nanoclusters Under Low-Energy Argon Particles Impacts | |
Dmytro V. Shyrokorad, Grygoriy V. Kornich |
Surface Hardening of Aluminum Alloys with Ultradisperse Al2O3 Particles | |
Vladimir Ivanovich Tyutyunnikov, V. Kukhar, A. Prisyazhny |
Effect of Implantation Temperature and Annealing on Synthesis of ZnSe Nanocrystals in Silica by Ion Implantation | |
Maxim Alexandrovich Makhavikou, Fadei Fadeevich Komarov, Oleg Vladimirovich Milchanin, Liudmila Alexandrovna Vlasukova, Irina Nikolaevna Parkhomenko, Elke Wendler, Jerzy Żuk |
To the Problem of the Creation of High-Temperature Radio-Absorbing Composite Ceramic Materials | |
Ruslan Kryvobok, G. Lisachuk, O. Lapuzina, M. Maystat, N. Kryvobok, V. Voloshuk, I. Gusarova |
Formation of Nano-Sized Surface Structures in Adsorptive Multi-Layer Systems | |
Alina V. Dvornichenko, Vasyl O. Kharchenko, Iryna O. Lysenko |
Study of Structural and Conductive Properties of Copper Nanotubes Modified with Ionizing Radiation | |
Alena Shumskaya, Egor Kanyukov, Artem Kozlovskiy, Inesh Kenzhina, Maxim Zdorovets |
The Investigation of the Welding Process of Different-Type Polyethylenes | |
Maksym Kovalchuk, Maksym Iurzhenko, Valeriy Demchenko, Igor Senchenkov |
TiO2-SnO2 Nanocomposites Obtained by Hydrothermal Method | |
Anastasiya Kutuzova, Tetiana Dontsova |
Dual Control on Structure and Magnetic Properties of Mg ferrite: Role of Swift Heavy Ion Irradiation | |
S. Raghuvanshi, P. Tiwari, Shashank N. Kane, D. K. Avasthi, Frederic Mazaleyrat, Tetiana Tatarchuk, Ivan Mironyuk |
Properties of TiO2 and SnO2 in a State of Different Dispersion and Morphology | |
Andrii Sviderskyi, Tetiana Yashchenko, Svitlana Nahirniak, Tetiana Dontsova, Sławomir Kalinowski |
Influence of Al2O3-MgO on the Young's Modulus and Microhardness of SPSed Silicon Nitride | |
Olga Lukianova, Vladimir Krasil'nikov, Alexander Khmara, Alexander Parkhomenko, Andrey Kartamyshev |
Electrical Resistivity of Pressureless Sintered Silicon Nitride with Al2O3-Y2O3 | |
Vladimir Krasil'nikov, Olga Lukianova, Alexander Khmara, Alexander Parkhomenko |
Luminescence and Nanopores in Spinel ZnGa2O4 Ceramics Doped with Mn2+ Ion | |
Oleh Kravets, О. Zaremba, Ya. Shpotyuk, A. Luchechko, K. Szmuc, J. Cebulski, A. Ingram, O. Shpotyuk |
Phase Portraits of Metals Fragmentation Modes During Severe Plastic Deformation | |
Alexei Khomenko, Daria Troshchenko, Illia Solonar, Mariya Khomenko, Andriy Litsman |
Behavior of Zirconium Hydroxide Amorphous Nanoparticles Under High Pressure: “Lotus Effect”. | |
Susanna Synyakina, Oksana Gorban, Valery Burkhovetskii, Tetyana Konstantinova |
Development of Silicon-Based Structures for Micro- and Nanosystem Devices Operable in Harsh Conditions | |
Anatoliy Olexandrovich Druzhinin, Yu. Khoverko, S. Nichkalo, I. Kogut, V. Holota |
Investigation by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy of Relaxation of Electrical Properties of Nanopowder System Based on Zirconia after Baric Stress | |
Artem V. Shylo, A. Doroshkevich, A. Saprukina, T. Konstantinova, E. Askerov, A. Islamov, A. Madadzada, V. Bodnarchuk, T. Zelenyak, D. Lazar, V. Almasan, A. Lyubchyk |
Nickel-Iron Spinel / Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites: Structural and Mossbauer Studies | |
Volodymyra Boychuk, Volodymyr Kotsyubynsky, Khrystyna Bandura, Sofia Fedorchenko |
Quasiparticle Study of Cyclopentadithiophene–Benzothiadiazole Derivatives | |
Yurii Klysko, Stepan Syrotyuk |
Influence of Cold Isostatic Pressure on Formation of Secondary Nanoscale Zirconia Inclusions in Alumina Grains in Ceramic Composites 3Y-TZP with Small Amount of Al2O3 | |
Leonid Akhkozov, I. Danilenko, G. Volkova, V. Glazunova, V. Burkhovetski, T. Konstantinova, G. Lasko, S. Schmauder |
Study of Magnetic Behavior of Magnetite Nanoparticles Dispersed in Fluid | |
Alexander Omelyanchik, Sara Laureti, Gaspare Varvaro, Valeria Rodionova, Vladan Kusigerski, Nikola Knezevic, Davide Peddis, Erzsébet Illés |
AC Dependence of Electrical Properties of SiOx/ZrO2 Multilayer Nanocomposites with Si Nanocrystals | |
Tomasz N. Koltunowicz, Karolina Czarnacka, Aleksander K. Fedotov |
Exact Solution for Localized States of Nonlinear Waves in the Structured Anharmonic Media with Two Interfaces | |
Victor S. Gerasimchuk, Olha V. Konotopchyk, Ihor Yu. Loboda, Igor V. Gerasimchuk |
Physical and Biological Properties of TiNbTa Alloy | |
Alexander Pogrebnjak, Aida Kistaubayeva, Dina Shokataeva, Ruslan Kimossov, Alexandr Myakinin, Sergey Plotnikov, Amanzhol Turlybekuly, Syrym Zhanyssov, Alexey Tsorayev |
Nanostructure Characterization - Search for Accurate Structure Model with Imperfect Structure Probes | |
Pavol Juhas, Kevin R. Knox, Xiaohao Yang, Simon J. L. Billinge |
XRD and DSC Studies of GeS2–Ga2S3 Glasses | |
Halyna Klym, Oleh Shpotyuk, Andrzej Kozdras, Ivan Karbovnyk |
Low Temperature Electrical Behavior of CNT-based Nanocomposites | |
Ivan Karbovnyk, Yuri Olenych, Dmytro Lukashevych, Dmytro Chalyy, Igor Girnyk, Mykola Rudko, Halyna Klym |
Mg Doped ZnO Nanoinks for Printed Electronics | |
Oleksii Diachenko, Oleksandr Huzenko, Oleksandr Dobrozhan, Denys Kurbatov, Anatoliy Opanasyuk |
Optical Properties of Nanoporous Al2O3 Matrices with Ammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate Crystals in Nanopores | |
Nazariy Andrushchak, Dmytro Vynnyk, Anatoliy Andrushchak, Volodymyr Haiduchok, Yaroslav Zhydachevskyy, Markiyan Kushlyk |
Molecular Ordering of Nematic Liquid Crystals in Tubular Nanopores: Tailoring of Optical Anisotropy at the Nanoscale by Polymer Pore-Surface Grafting | |
Andriy V. Kityk, Patrick Huber, Kathrin Sentker, Anatoliy Andrushchak, Przemysław Kula, Wiktor Piecek, Robert Wielgosz, Olha Kityk, Petra Goering, Monika Lelonek |
Phase, Grain and Pores Studies of Temperature-Sensitive Cu0.4Ni0.4Co0.4Mn1.8O4 Ceramics | |
Halyna Klym, Roman Dunets, Ivan Hadzaman, Ivan Karbovnyk, Oleh Shpotyuk |
Carbon Nanotubes Synthesis on Titanium Substrate | |
Valentin Ye. Panarin, Nikolai Ye. Svavil’nyi, Anastasiia I. Khominich, Andrei A. Shkola |
Morphological Surface Features and Tunneling Spectroscopy of Amorphous Alloy Fe82Si4B14 | |
V. L. Karbivskyy, Viktor A. Atremyuk, L. I. Karbivska, L. P. Kliuienko, S. S. Smolyak |
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Multilayered α-AlN/α-BCN Coatings Depending on Flux Density During Target B4C Sputtering | |
Volodymyr Ivashchenko, Vladyslav Rogoz, Tomasz Koltunovicz, Anatoliy Kupchishin |
Experimental protocols for measuring magnetic properties of nanoparticles dispersed in a fluids | |
Alexander Omelyanchik, Valeria Rodionova, Davide Peddis, Gaspare Varvaro, Sara Laureti, María Salvador, Ana Mrakovic, Nikola Knezevic, Vladan Kusigerski, Erzsébet Illés |
2. Carbon-based and other 2D materials
Efficient Two-Photon Luminescence for Bioimaging Using Polymer Conjugations of Graphene Quantum Dots based Materials | |
Charge Entrainment by the Solitary Wave in the Graphene Superlattice: Free Carries and Impurity Ionization Cases | |
Constantine A. Popov, Sergey Victorovich Kryuchkov |
Big Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Synthesis Using a Reduced Iron as a Catalyst | |
Alexander Igorevich Khovavko, Borys Bondarenko, Olexiy Sviatenko, Victor Kotov, Andriy Nebesny, Denis Filonenko |
Ku-Band Microwave Characterization of Composite Based on Epoxy Polymer and Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes | |
Fadei Fadeevich Komarov, Oleg Vladimirovich Milchanin, Ivan D. Parfimovich, Peter Vasil'yevich Kuchinski, Alexey Grigorievich Tkachev, A. V. Melezhik, N. R. Memetov, R. A. Stolyarov, Karolina Charnacka |
Characterization of Ti3C2 MXenes Produced by SHS Grinding | |
Anna Pazniak, Pavel Bazhin, Evgeniy Kolesnikov, Alexander Stolin, Denis Kuznetsov |
Graphene Synthesis from Natural Flake Graphite | |
Eugene Strativnov, Alex Kozhan, Andrey Pazeev, Yaroslav Ivachkin |
Graphene Conductance: Effect of the Domain Structure in Ferroelectric Substrate | |
Maksym V. Strikha, Anatolii I. Kurchak, Anna N. Morozovska |
Increasing Thickness of Coarse-Grained Carbon Electrodes for High Device Capacitance | |
Oleksiy Gogotsi, Vladimir Izotov, Xuehang Wang, Dmytro Havrykov, Illia Koltsov, Wei Han, Alla Serhienko, Ivan Hrysko, Yulia Zozulya, Olga Linyucheva, Vitaliy Balitskiy, Veronika Zahorodna, Yury Gogotsi |
3. Photonics & Nanomaterials
Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of HgTe/CdHgTe Quantum Wells | |
Ihor Ivanovych Izhnin, Olexandr Yurijovych Bonchyk, Hryhory Volodymyrovych Savytskyy, Zbigniev Swiatek, Jerzy Morgiel, Alexandr Vasiljevych Voitsekhovskii, Alexandr Grigorjevych Korotaev, Nikolaj Nikolajevych Mikhailov, Vasilij Semionovych Varavin, Sergej Alexejevych Dvoretsky, Karim Dzhafarovych Mynbaev, Olena Ivanivna Fitsych |
Formation of Transparent Ceramic Films Based on Zirconia | |
Oksana Gorban, V. Lubenetz, S. Gorban, G. Volkova, V. Burkhovetskii, T.E. Konstantinova |
Comparison of Sensitivity of Systems AsxSe1-x Thin Films to Irradiation with Electron Beam | |
Oleg Shylenko, Vitaliy Bilanych, Vitalii Latyshev, Alexander Feher, Vasyl Rizak, Vladimir Komanicky |
Influence of Direct Impingement of Atoms onto the Islands During the Stranski–Krastanow Growth | |
Ihor Ivanovych Izhnin, Ihor Ihorovych Syvorotka, Kirill Alexandrovych Lozovoy, Andrey Pavlovych Kokhanenko, Alexander Vasyljevych Voitsekhovskii |
Silicon Hyperdoped with Selenium by Ion Implantation Followed by Pulsed Laser Annealing | |
Fadei Fadeevich Komarov, Nikita Sergeevich Nechaev, Liudmila Alexandrovna Vlasukova, Irina Nikolaevna Parkhomenko, Gennady Dmitrievich Ivlev, Ivan Alexandrovich Romanov, Elke Wendler |
The Problem of Optimal Plasmonic Nanostructures Choice for SERS Applications | |
Victoria Bundyukova, Dzmitry Yakimchuk, Egor Kaniukov, Alena Shumskaya, Maksim Kutuzau, Sergey Demaynov, Vladimir Sivakov |
Photovoltage Relaxation in Heterostructures ITO-Si with Au Nanoparticles | |
Anastasiia O Mykytiuk, S. V. Kondratenko |
The Theory of Anharmonic Bloch Oscillations in the Coupler from the Two Arrays of Waveguides | |
Olesya Vasilevna Korovay, D. A. Markov, P. I. Khadzhi |
Nano-Polishing of the Surface of a Quartz Substrate Using an Evanescent Wave | |
Dmytro Vasylenko, Petro Kravchuk, Valerii Grygoruk |
Features of Luminescence in Nanotube in External Electric and Magnetic Fields | |
Nina Kostyukevich, Sergey Karapetyan, Elerlange Sinyavskii |
Light Propagation in a Multichannel Nonlinear Directional Couple | |
Leonid Yu. Nad'kin, P. I. Khadzhi, K. D. Lyakhomskaya |
Relationship Between Crystal Size, Morphology and Optical Properties in Garnet-Type Nanocrystals | |
Geraldine Dantelle, Alexandra Cantarano, Denis Testemale, Estelle Homeyer, Stephanie Kodjikian, Christophe Dujardin, Jean-Louis Hazemann, Alain Ibanez |
Biintercalation and Electron Energy Spectrum in Layer Nanostructures | |
Natalia K. Tovstyuk, Tetyana D. Krushelnytska, Mykola M. Romanyuk, Lidiya S. Demkiv |
X-ray Luminescence of Y2O3 Nanopowder and Nanoceramics Sintered at Different Temperatures | |
Sergiy Kononenko, I. Mysiura, O. Kalantaryan, R. Skiba, V. Zhurenko, V. Chishkala, M. Azarenkov |
4. Trends in Spintronics and Spin-related Phenomena at Nanoscale
Spin Structures and Metastable Bound States of the Two-Dimensional Bimagnetoexcitons in the Lowest Landau Levels Approximation | |
Sveatoslav Moskalenko, Pyotr Khadzhi, Igor Podlesny, Evgheni Dumanov, Michael Liberman, Ion Zubac |
Negative Magnetoresistance in Nanotwined NiMnGa Epitaxial Films | |
Vladimir Golub, A. Apolinario, I.R. Aseguinolaza, G.N. Kakazei, J.P. Araujo, O. Salyuk, J.M. Barandiaran, V.A. Chernenko |
Optimization of the Magnetocaloric Effect in Arrays of Nanomagnets Based on Ni3Pt | |
Serhii Igorovich Vorobiov, Vladimir Komanicky, Erik Čižmár, Martin Orendáč |
Temperature Blocking and Magnetization of Magnetoactive Elastomers | |
Viktor Mikhailovych Kalita, Andrij Bodnaruk, Mykola Kulyk, Albert Lozenko, Sergiy Ryabchenko, Mikhail Shamonin, Alexander Brunhuber, Andrei Snarskii |
Magnetically Anisotropic Systems Based on Liquid Crystals and Magnetic Fluids | |
Peter Kopcansky, Natalia Tomasovicova, Veronika Gdovinova, Jozefina Majorosova, Milan Timko, Nandor Eber, Tibor Toth-Katona, Jan Jadzyn, Chin- Kun Hu, Wen-Jong Ma |
Facile Synthesis of Hybrid Magnetic and Spin Crossover Nanoparticles | |
yunji uem, Cheolgi Kim |
Fundamental Properties of (Ga,Mn)As: Evolution from Paramagnetic Through Superparamagnetic to Ferromagnetic Phase | |
Oksana Yastrubchak, N. Tataryn, L. Gluba, S. Mamykin, L. Borkovska, O. Kolomys, J. Domagała, T. Wosinski, J. Żuk, M. Sawicki, J. Sadowski |
Evolution of Morphology, Structure and Magnetic Parameters of Ni Nanotubes During Growth Process in Pores of PET template | |
Victoria Bundyukova, Egor Kaniukov, Artem Kozlovskiy, Alena Shumskaya, Maxim Zdorovets |
Static and Dynamic Magnetic Properties of Multilayers with Synthetic Ferrimagnets | |
Taras Polek, A. I. Tovstolytkin, D. M. Polishchuk, A. F. Kravets, V. Korenivski |
Effects Doping of Mn by Fe and Cr on the Magnetic and Magnetocaloric Effect in (LaPr)0.7Sr0.3Mn0.95(Fe/Cr)0.05O3 | |
Lahcen FKHAR, M. Ait Ali, O. Mounkachi, M. Hamedoun, A. EL Kenz, A. Benyoussef, K. El Maalam |
Order – Disorder Transition in Inverse Heusler Alloys | |
Vladimir Khovaylo, Ivan Gavrikov, Dmitry Karpenkov, Marina Seredina, Ratnamala Chatterjee, Rie Y. Umetsu |
Nonreciprocity of Spin Wave Damping in Magnets with Long-Period Magnetic Ordering | |
Alexander Gennadievich Danilevich, V. G. Bar’yakhtar, V. N. Krivoruchko |
Spin-Related Phenomena in Nanoscale Si (B, Ni) Whiskers | |
Anatoliy Olexandrovich Druzhinin, Igor Ostrovskii, Yuriy Khoverko, Natalia Shcherban, Anton Lukianchenko |
The Structural-Phase State and Magnetoresistive Properties of Very Thin Film Alloys, Obtained Co-evaporated Cu and Co | |
Ihor O. Shpetnyi, Ivan Yu. Protsenko, Daria Kondrakhova, Blazej Scheibe, Viktor Grebinaha, Dmytro O. Derecha, Yuri I. Gorobets |
Electric Field Control of Spin-Wave Propagation in Ferromagnetic Nanostripe | |
Andrii Savchenko, V. N. Krivoruchko |
Electrical Resistivity and Hall Effect in Ferrimagnetic Mn2CoSn Heusler Alloy | |
M. Seredina, D. Karpenkov, M. Zhelezny, A. Risunkov, R. Chatterjee, R. Y. Umetsu, V. Khovaylo |
Magnetoresistance and the Domain Structure of Film Nanostructural Alloys | |
Yurii Myhailovych Shabelnyk, Yu. O. Shkurdoda, A. M. Chornous, V. B. Loboda, S. M. Khursenko, L. V. Dekhtyaruk |
Nanoscale Order and Femtosecond Dynamics of Correlated Electron States in Layered Dichalcogenides | |
Goran Karapetrov |
5. Thin Films, Nanostructured Materials and Coatings
Method for Identification of Optical Resonances of Metal Films on a Glass Substrate | |
Maksym Barabash, G. Vlaykov, A. Kolesnichenko, R. Litvin, A. Sezonenko, V. Martynchuk |
The SiO2 and GeO2 Additives Impact on the Sintering Kinetics of Tetragonal Zirconia Nanopowders | |
Marharyta Lakusta, Igor Danilenko, Galina Volkova, Larisa Loladze, Tetyana Konstantinova |
Preparation and Physical Properties of Superionic Cu7GeS5I-based Nano-ceramic and Thin Film | |
Ihor Petrovych Studenyak, V.Yu. Izai, A.V. Bendak, Yu.V. Minets, O.P. Kokhan, M. Mikula, P. Kúš, T. Šalkus, A. Kežionis, A.F. Orliukas |
Electroactive Polymer Nanocomposites for Additive Technologies | |
Olha Masiuchok, M. Iurzhenko, Ye. Mamunya, R. Kolisnyk |
Silver-containing Polymer Nanocomposites | |
Valeriy Demchenko, S. Riabov, S. Kobylinskyi |
Modeling the Surface Composition at the Electrode during Silver Electrodeposition in Buffered Electrolyte | |
Valeriy Kublanovsky, Oksana Bersirova |
Alternative Methods for Forming Sliding Surfaces of Face Impulse Seals | |
Viacheslav Tarelnyk, Ievgen Konoplianchenko, Vasyl Martsynkovskyy, Aleksey Zhukov, Nataliia Tarelnyk, Bogdan Antoszewski, Czeslaw Kundera, Gennadiy Smolyarov, Oksana Gaponova, Aleksey Kozachenko |
Estimating Qualitative Parameters of Aluminized Coating Obtained by Electric Spark Alloying Method | |
Viacheslav Tarelnyk, Ievgen Konoplianchenko, Oksana Gaponova, Czeslaw Kundera, Grigoriy Kirik, Vasyl Martsynkovskyy, Mykhailo Dovzhyk, Andrey Belous, Olga Vasilenko |
Investigation of Qualitative Parameters of Surface Layers Formed By Stepwise Carburizing and Sulfo-Carburizing of Steel Parts With The Use of Electroerosion Alloying Method | |
Viacheslav Tarelnyk, Ievgen Konoplianchenko, Vasyl Martsynkovskyy, Mykhailo Dovzhyk, Mihail Dumanchuk, Maksim Goncharenko, Bogdan Antoszewski, Oksana Gaponova |
Temperature Evolution of the Optical Properties in (Ga,Mn)As | |
Nataliia Tataryn, O. Yastrubchak, R. Kuna, L. Gluba, L. Borkovska, O. Kolomys, J. Domagała, T. Wosinski, M. Sawicki, J. Sadowski |
The Evaporation Mechanism and Mass-spectra of As-S Materials | |
Victor Stepanovych Kovtunenko |
Photoluminescence of SiO2/SiNx/SiO2/Si Structures with Off-Stoichiometric Silicon Nitride Layers | |
Ivan Alexandrovich Romanov, Liudmila Alexandrovna Vlasukova, Irina Nikolaevna Parkhomenko, Fadei Fadeevich Komarov, Oleg Vladimirovich Milchanin, Maxim Alexandrovich Makhavikou, Natalia Stanislavovna Kovalchuk, Nina Andreevna Krekoten, Alexander Victorovich Mudryi, Vadim Dmitrievich Zhivulko, Hongliang Lu |
Nanostructured Functional Film Coatings Formed by Helicon-Arc Ion-Plasma Method on the Polymeric Substrates | |
Zinoviia Tsybrii, Mykola Vuichyk, Kateryna Svezhentsova, Fedir Sizov, Ihor Korotash, Eduard Rudenko, Denys Polotskiy |
Thin ZnO:Al and CdS Films’ Optical Properties | |
Ivan Petrovych Koziarskyi, Edward Vasyliovych Maistruk, Dmytro Petrovych Koziarskyi |
Acoustic Activation of Radiation Defect Migration in Nanocrystalline Material under Ion Bombardment | |
Alexander Ivanovich Kalinichenko, V. E. Strel’nitskij |
Bismuth Oxysulfide Electrodes with Giant Incident Photon-to-Current Conversion Efficiency | |
Evgeny Bondarenko, Eugene Streltsov, Alexander Mazanik, Anatoly Kulak |
Impact of Substrate Temperature on Vibrational and Chemical Properties of Cu2ZnSn0.6Ge0.4S Thin Films | |
Artem Shamardin, Denys Kurbatov, Andrii Voznyi, Andriy Stepanenko |
The Effect of Organic Additives on the Microstructure, Microhardness and Friction Coefficient of Ni/WS2 Composite Coatings | |
Andrzej Zagórski, Beata Kucharska, Magdalena Ptaszek, Jerzy Robert Sobiecki, Zbigniew Pakieła, Jarosław Mizera |
The Structure and Tribological Properties of Ni/MoS2 Composite Layers Formed on Aluminum and It's Alloys | |
Jarosław Mizera, Beata Kucharska, Marta Szumiata, Andrzej Zagórski, Jerzy Robert Sobiecki, Zbigniew Pakieła |
Effect of Nano-Structured Factors on the Properties of the Coatings Produced by Detonation Spraying Method | |
Olena Berdnikova, Liudmyla Markashova, Yuriy Tyurin, Oleg Kolisnichenko, Ievgen Polovetskyi, Yevhenii Titkov |
High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering of Hydrogen-Free Diamond-Like Carbon Thin Films | |
Tomas Kubart |
Investigation of 3D Nanoporous Structure Formation Process Controlling Mechanisms on the Surface аnd Inside the Granule of Ammonium Nitrate | |
Artem Artyukhov, Andrii Ivaniia, Andrii Ol’khovyk, Jan Krmela |
Self-Organized Growth by Sputtering and Other PVD Techniques | |
Yuliia Kosminska, V. I. Perekrestov |
Formation of Co / Cu / NiFe2O4 (Nanpaticles) Spin-valve Type Functional Elements | |
Oleksandr Bezdidko, D. Kostiuk, I. Cheshko, S. Protsenko |
Heat-Resistant Ohmic Contact System to Polycrystalline Diamond | |
Maksim Dub, Ya. Ya. Kudryk |
High-Frequency Electrodynamics of Nanostructured High-Tc Superconductor Films | |
Pavel Borisenko, Anton Pokusinskii, Alexander Kasatkin, Andrii Petroveech Shapovalov, O. O. Boliasova |
Tribological Characteristics of (TiZrNbTaHf)N/MoN Nanocomposite Coating | |
Artem Bagdasaryan, Alexandr Pogrebnjak, Vyacheslav Beresnev, Uliana Nyemchenko, Henryk Komsta |
Properties of Films of Cr-Co-Cu-Fe-Ni and Cr-Co-Cu-Fe-Mn-Ni Alloys Deposited by Magnetron Sputtering | |
Leonid Robertovich Shaginyan, V. F. Britun, V. F. Gorban, N. A. Krapivka, S. A. Firstov, A. V. Kotko, N. I. Danilenko |
Magnetic Properties and Magnetoelectric Effect in 50-150 nm Fe48Rh52 Films | |
V. V. Rodionov, V. Latyshev, A. A. Amirov, V. Komanicky, I. A. Starkov, A. P. Kamantsev, E. Kaniukov, V. Rodionova |
Evolution of Magnetotransport Properties in (Cr1-xMnx)2AlC MAX-phase with a Small Manganese Incorporation | |
Kirill Sobolev, Kamil Kolincio, Andrey Emelyanov, Aleksandra Mielewczyk-Gryn, Maria Gazda, Nikolai Perov, Valeria Rodionova |
Mass Transfer Model of Sputtering from Rod-like Targets for Synthesis of Multielement Nanocoatings | |
Yuliia O. Kosminska, V. I. Perekrestov |
Kinetics of Crystallization from Aqueous Solutions Subjected to the Effect of X-rays | |
Natalia Georgievna Valko, Dmitrij Lavysh, V. Anishchik, А. Kasperovich |
Multifractal Anlysis of the Surfaces of Protective (TiAlSiY)N, Me1-xN/CrN and Me1-xN/ZrN Coatings | |
Yaroslav Kravchenko, Bogdan Natalich, Marek Opielak, Diana Zakharova |
DSC Investigations of the Effect of Annealing Temperature on the Phase Transformation Behaviour in (Zr-Ti-Nb)N Coatings Deposited by CA-PVD | |
Olga V. Maksakova, L. G. Khomenko, S. Simoẽs, M. K. Kylyshkanov |
Granular Effects in Multicomponent Film Materials | |
M. Shumakova, S. Ilin, A. Rylova, Yu. Bereznyak, B. Khyzenko, I. Yu. Protsenko |
Effective CH4 and C2H5OH Gas Sensor Created on the Basis of Three-Dimensional ZnO Nanosystems | |
V. I. Perekrestov, Anna Kornyushchenko, V. M. Latyshev |
Formation, Structural, Morphological Characteristics and Sensor Properties of ZnO/CuO Nanosystems | |
Anna Kornyushchenko, V. V. Natalich |
Nano-sized Pyramidal Pattern Formation during Epitaxial Growth in the Framework of Phase Field Modeling | |
Dmytro Olegovich Kharchenko, Alina V. Dvornichenko, Olga M. Shchokotova, Tetyana Zhylenko |
6. Nanomaterials for Clean Energy and Environment
Semi-Transparent UV Photodetectors Based on the Nanostructured n-ZnO/p-CuI and n-ZnO/p-NiO Diode Heterojunctions Prepared by Low Temperature Solution Growth | |
N.P. Klochko, G.S. Khrypunov, K.S. Klepikova, V.E. Korsun, D.O. Zhadan, V.R. Kopach, V.M. Lyubov, M.V. Kirichenko, A.L. Khrypunova, S.I. Petrushenko, S.V. Dukarov |
Optimizing Composition of Molybdenum Nitride Thin Films as Non-Noble Metal Electrocatalysts for the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction | |
Miroslava Kozejova, Viktor Kavecansky, Vladimir Komanicky |
Enhancing Catalytic Activity of Rhodium Towards Methanol Electro-oxidation by Alloying with Iron | |
Vitalii Latyshev, Ondrej Milkovic, Vladimir Komanicky |
Controlling Activity of Platinum Thin Film Electrocatalysts by Mechanical Stress | |
Vladimir Komanicky, Vitalij Latyshev, Oleg Shylenko, Vitalij Bilanych, Vasyl Rizak, Alexander Feher, Alexandra Kovalcikova |
Study Solid Solutions in CdS/CdTe Thin Films Heterosystems Obtaine by DC Magnetron Sputtering | |
Andrii Igorovich Dobrozhan, Galina I. Kopach, Ruslan P. Mygushchenko, Gennadiy S. Khrypunov, Mykola M. Harchenko, Olesia V. Polezhaeva |
Nanostructured Oxide-Metal Catalysts for Intra-Cylinder Catalysis | |
Ann V. Karakurkchi, Nikolay D. Sakhnenko, Maryna V. Ved’, Igor V. Parsadanov, Sergey N. Menshov |
Research of Nanomodified Multimodal Рortland - Composite Cements for Self-Cleaning Plasters | |
Marko Hohol, Roman Kotiv, Tetiana Kropyvnytska, Myroslav Sanytsky |
Comparison of DC Conductivity of Mineral Oil and Synthetic Ester, Applied to Insulate in Power Transformers | |
Konrad Kierczyński, Marek Zenker |
Research of Insulating Oil Percolation in Electrical Pressboard | |
Przemysław Rogalski, Czesław Kozak, Marek Opielak, Milan Sebok |
7. Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials for Life Sciences
A Solid-State Sensor Based on Poly(2,4,6-Triamino-Pyrimidine) Grafted with Electrochemically Reduced Graphene Oxide for Pharmaceutical Applications | |
Emad Khudaish |
The Study of the Activation of Antibacterial Activity of Silver Nanoparticles by Laser Radiation | |
Oleksandr Kravchuk, Yaroslav Bobitski, Olena Zoryanivna Komarovska-Porokhnyavets, Andriana Barylyak |
Information Parameters of Synergetic Processes in Structures with Interfractional Boundaries | |
Bohdan Koman, Ruslan Skrynkovskyy, Volodymyr Yuzevych |
Optical Immunosensor Based on Nanostructured ZnO Thin Films for Agricultural Purposes | |
Alla Tereshchenko, Valentyn Smyntyna, Mikhael Bechelany, Anastasiya Konup, Igor Konup, Urte Samukaite-Bubniene |
Nickel-Zinc Spinel Nanoferrites: Magnetic Characterization and Prospects of the Use in Self-Controlled Magnetic Hyperthermia | |
Alexandr Tovstolytkin, Mykola Kulyk, Viktor Kalita, Sergiy Ryabchenko, Vladyslav Zamorskyi, Oleksandr Fedorchuk, Sergii Solopan, Anatolii Belous |
Oxidant-stimulated Surface and Bulk Ce3+↔Ce4+ Oscillations in CeO2-x Nanocrystals | |
Yuri Malyukin, Vladimir Klochkov, Nataliya Kavok, Pavel Maksimchuk, Vladyslav Seminko, Igor Borovoi |
Ultrasound Generation Enhacement with Carbon-Based Nanoparticles as Photoacoustic Sensitizers | |
Kateryna Dubyk, Andrey Kuzmich, Mykola Isaiev, Sergii Alekseev, Boris Zousman, Olga Levinson, Alex Rozhin, Vladimir Lysenko |
Chitosan-based Composite Materials Comprising Metal or Metal Oxide Nanoparticles | |
Aleksei Kalinkevich, A. Kalinkevich, S. Danilchenko, Ye. Zinchenko, Ya. Trofimenko, O. Karpenko, V. Baturin, V. Holubnycha, M. Pogorielov, A. Sklyar |
Effect of Ultrasound Treatment on Chitosan-Silver Nanoparticles Antimicrobial Activity | |
Victoriia Holubnycha, Petro Myronov, Anatoliy Opanasyuk, Vladymyr Bugaiov, Oleksandr Dobrozhan, Maksym Pogorielov, Anna Yanovska, Oksana Kalinkevich |
Fabrication and Analysis of Transferred Type Magnetic Sensor | |
Mijin Kim, CheolGi Kim, Sunjong Oh |
Development of Chitosan Hemostatic Sponges with Different Solvents and Tranexamic Acid | |
Maksym Pogorielov, Volodymyr Deineka, Oleksandr Oleshko, Irina Liubchak, Katerina Dedkova, Roman Vasyliev, Dimitri Zubov, Aleksei Kalinkevich, Oksana Kalinkevich |
Corrosion and Biocompatibility Improvement of HA-Coated Magnesium-Based Alloys as Bone Implant Materials | |
Yevheniia Husak, Olexandr Solodovnik, Maksym Pogorielov, Anna Yanovska, Viktoriia Korniienko, Yevhenii Kozik, Iryna Liubchak, Oleg Mishchenko, Ernest Szajna, Yevhen Zinchenko |
Application of Nanoporous Polymer Membranes for the Development of Enzyme-Based Biosensors | |
Ivan Kucherenko, Olha Soldatkina, Oleksandr Soldatkin, Sergei Dzyadevych |
Atomistic Modeling of Friction Force Dependence on Contact Area of Metallic Nanoparticles on Graphene | |
Alexei Khomenko, Miroslav Zakharov, Kateryna Khomenko, Yaroslava Khyzhnya, Pavlo Trofymenko |
Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy | |
Yuri Korchev |
The Characterization of Glassy Carbon Electrode Surface Modified with 2-Amino Pyridine Using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy and Contact Angle Measurement Techniques | |
Zafer Yazicigil, Tolga Duran, Tuğçe Göver, Ahmed Nuri Kurşunlu, Ersin Güler |
Multifunctional Magnetic Nanoparticles in Cancer Therapy | |
Maxim A. Abakumov, Alevtina S. Semkina, Tatiana O. Abakumova, Alexander G. Majouga, Alexander V. Kabanov, Valdimir P. Chekhonin |
Exciton–Polariton Parametric Oscillator Dynamics in the Semiconductor Microcavity | |
Olga Fedorovna Vasilieva, P. I. Khadzhi |
Structural Features and Properties of Biocompatible Ti-based Alloys with β-stabilizing Elements | |
Kateryna Smyrnova, Alexander Pogrebnjak, L. Kasenova |
Assessment of Protein Fractions of RBCs in Stroke under Influence of Nanodiamonds in vitro | |
Liliya Batyuk, Natalya Kizilova, Oksana Muraveinik |
Localized Growth and Integration of Semiconductor Oxide Nanostructures for Gas and Bio-sensor Applications | |
Oleg Lupan, V. Sontea, N. Ababii, N. Magariu, V. Postica, M. Ulfa, T. Pauporté, V. Trofim, S. Railean, A. Vahl, I. Pocaznoi, N. Wolff, M.-I. Teresa, O. Polonskyi, F. Faupel, L. Kienle, R. Adelung |
Microwave Assisted Formation of the Chitosan/Hydroxyapatite Scaffold for Bone Tissue Regeneration | |
Liudmyla Borysivna Sukhodub, Mariya Oleksandrivna Kumeda, Vladislav Ivanovych Gapon, Leonid Fedorovych Sukhodub |
Nanostructured Hybrid Material Smart Functional Element | |
Amir Fahmi, V. P. Nirwan, A. Al-Kattan, A. V. Kabashin |
8. Miscellaneous and Interdisciplinary Topics
Monte Carlo Simulation of the Influence of High-frequency Electromagnetic Field on the Static Current-voltage Characteristic of the Superlattice | |
Dmitry Viktorovich Zav'yalov, Vladimir Igorevich Kontchenkov, Sergei Viktorovich Kryuchkov, Ekaterina Sergeevna Sivashova |
Thermal Neutralisation of the Delayed Medical Products | |
Oleksandr Morozov, G. Krivonosov |
The Role of a Thin Aluminum Film in the Reconstruction of Silicon’s Near-Surface Layers | |
Viktoriia Yevheniivna Samoilenko, Roman Lys, Dmytro Slobodzyan, Bohdan Pavlyk, Markiyan Kushlyk |
Conductivity in Size Quantized Systems: Consideration of the Scattering of Carriers on the Surface in the Case of the δ-Shaped Fluctuation of the Surface | |
Sergei Arturovich Karapetyan, Nina Sergeevna Kostyukevich, Elerlang Petrovich Sinyavskii |
Analysis of Body Potential of Cylindrical Gate-all-Around (CGAA) MOSFET | |
Mohamed Kessi |
Capacitance and Inductance Extraction for Multilayer Conductor Interconnects Using Finite Element Method | |
Lounas Belhimer, M. Kessi |
Experimental Research of Electrodynamic Parameters of Screened Dielectric Waveguides with Distributed Coupling | |
Alexander Sergeevich Krivets, I. A. Buriak, V. O. Zhurba, A. A. Drozdenko |
Selective Hydrogen Gas Sensor Working at Low Temperatures based on PdO/PdO2-functionalized ZnO:Pd Films | |
Oleg Lupan, O. Polonskyi, V. Postica, M. Hoppe, N. Wolff, Th. Pauporté, B. Viana, O. Majérus, V. Trofim, L. Kienle, F. Faupel, R. Adelung |