1. Synthesis and Properties of Nanomaterials
Influence of YIP Phase on Magnetic Properties of YIG Nanoparticles Prepared by Sol-Gel Method | |
Ihor I. Syvorotka, Dmytro Yu. Sugak, Sergii B. Ubizskii, Leonid O. Vasylechko, Stepan T. Hurskyy, Ihor M. Syvorotka |
3. Photonics & Nanomaterials
OH- Absorption Spectra of Lithium Niobate Crystals Diffusion-Doped by Copper | |
U. Yakhnevych, I.I. Syvorotka, O. Buryy, S. Ubizskii, M. Vakiv, D. Sugak |
Combining the Lotus Effect and Photocatalytic Properties of Ni/Al Doped ZnO for Smart Textile Applications | |
Anatolii Orlov, Valeriia Poliukhova, Veronika Ulianova, So-Hye Cho |
4. Trends in Spintronics and Spin-related Phenomena at Nanoscale
Facile Synthesis of Hybrid Magnetic and Spin Crossover Nanoparticles | |
yunji uem, Cheolgi Kim |
Order – Disorder Transition in Inverse Heusler Alloys | |
Vladimir Khovaylo, Ivan Gavrikov, Dmitry Karpenkov, Marina Seredina, Ratnamala Chatterjee, Rie Y. Umetsu |
Electrical Resistivity and Hall Effect in Ferrimagnetic Mn2CoSn Heusler Alloy | |
M. Seredina, D. Karpenkov, M. Zhelezny, A. Risunkov, R. Chatterjee, R. Y. Umetsu, V. Khovaylo |
5. Thin Films, Nanostructured Materials and Coatings
Dielectric Properties of TlSe Thin Films at Radio Wave Frequencies | |
Onur Potok, Deniz Deger Ulutas, Kemal Ulutas, Sahin Yakut, Deniz Bozoglu Parto |
Thickness Dependence of AC Conductivity in Plasma Poly(Ethylene Oxide) (pPEO) Thin Films | |
Sahin Yakut, Deniz Deger Ulutas, Kemal Ulutas, Deniz Bozoglu Parto |
Growth and Properties of Thin YIG-based LPE Films from Lead Conteined and Lead-free Fluxes | |
Ihor I. Syvorotka, Ihor M. Syvorotka, Hryhoriy V. Savytskyy, Sergii B. Ubizskii |
6. Nanomaterials for Clean Energy and Environment
Nickel-Carbon Nanotubes Composite Electrodes for Electrochemical Oxidation of Methanol | |
Artur Maciej, Ewelina Urbańczyk, Paulina Rzepka, Wojciech Simka |
7. Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials for Life Sciences
Localized Growth and Integration of Semiconductor Oxide Nanostructures for Gas and Bio-sensor Applications | |
Oleg Lupan, V. Sontea, N. Ababii, N. Magariu, V. Postica, M. Ulfa, T. Pauporté, V. Trofim, S. Railean, A. Vahl, I. Pocaznoi, N. Wolff, M.-I. Teresa, O. Polonskyi, F. Faupel, L. Kienle, R. Adelung |