1. Synthesis and Properties of Nanomaterials
Effect of Implantation Temperature and Annealing on Synthesis of ZnSe Nanocrystals in Silica by Ion Implantation | |
Maxim Alexandrovich Makhavikou, Fadei Fadeevich Komarov, Oleg Vladimirovich Milchanin, Liudmila Alexandrovna Vlasukova, Irina Nikolaevna Parkhomenko, Elke Wendler, Jerzy Żuk |
Molecular Ordering of Nematic Liquid Crystals in Tubular Nanopores: Tailoring of Optical Anisotropy at the Nanoscale by Polymer Pore-Surface Grafting | |
Andriy V. Kityk, Patrick Huber, Kathrin Sentker, Anatoliy Andrushchak, Przemysław Kula, Wiktor Piecek, Robert Wielgosz, Olha Kityk, Petra Goering, Monika Lelonek |
Some Aspects of Measuring Nonlinear Optical Features of Advanced Vertically Aligned Mesoporous Silica Thin Films Activated by Silver and Copper | |
Artur Wojciechowski, Magda Laskowska, Dmytro Vynnyk |
2. Carbon-based and other 2D materials
Increasing Thickness of Coarse-Grained Carbon Electrodes for High Device Capacitance | |
Oleksiy Gogotsi, Vladimir Izotov, Xuehang Wang, Dmytro Havrykov, Illia Koltsov, Wei Han, Alla Serhienko, Ivan Hrysko, Yulia Zozulya, Olga Linyucheva, Vitaliy Balitskiy, Veronika Zahorodna, Yury Gogotsi |
3. Photonics & Nanomaterials
Silicon Hyperdoped with Selenium by Ion Implantation Followed by Pulsed Laser Annealing | |
Fadei Fadeevich Komarov, Nikita Sergeevich Nechaev, Liudmila Alexandrovna Vlasukova, Irina Nikolaevna Parkhomenko, Gennady Dmitrievich Ivlev, Ivan Alexandrovich Romanov, Elke Wendler |
4. Trends in Spintronics and Spin-related Phenomena at Nanoscale
Fundamental Properties of (Ga,Mn)As: Evolution from Paramagnetic Through Superparamagnetic to Ferromagnetic Phase | |
Oksana Yastrubchak, N. Tataryn, L. Gluba, S. Mamykin, L. Borkovska, O. Kolomys, J. Domagała, T. Wosinski, J. Żuk, M. Sawicki, J. Sadowski |
Topological Spin Textures as Spin-Wave Emitters | |
Sebastian Wintz |
THz Radiation via Ultrafast Spin-to-Charge Conversion in Magnetic Heterostructures | |
Yizheng Wu |
5. Thin Films, Nanostructured Materials and Coatings
Temperature Evolution of the Optical Properties in (Ga,Mn)As | |
Nataliia Tataryn, O. Yastrubchak, R. Kuna, L. Gluba, L. Borkovska, O. Kolomys, J. Domagała, T. Wosinski, M. Sawicki, J. Sadowski |
7. Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials for Life Sciences
Enhanced Relaxivity of Paramagnetic Liposomal Theranostics Achieved by Photosensitizer Incorporation | |
Beata Wereszczynska, Paulina Skupin-Mrugalska, Tomasz Zalewski, Stefan Jurga |
Localized Growth and Integration of Semiconductor Oxide Nanostructures for Gas and Bio-sensor Applications | |
Oleg Lupan, V. Sontea, N. Ababii, N. Magariu, V. Postica, M. Ulfa, T. Pauporté, V. Trofim, S. Railean, A. Vahl, I. Pocaznoi, N. Wolff, M.-I. Teresa, O. Polonskyi, F. Faupel, L. Kienle, R. Adelung |
8. Miscellaneous and Interdisciplinary Topics
Analysis and characterization of samples of agricultural soils dominated by SiO2 in Senegal | |
Mohamed El-Amine Ouesse, Abdou Ciss Wade, Gora Dieye, Mamoudou Sall, Djibril Diop |
Nanospectroscopic Investigation of Individual Free-Standing Semiconductor Nanowires Using Nanoprobe-Cathodoluminescence Techniques | |
Kentaro Watanabe |
Selective Hydrogen Gas Sensor Working at Low Temperatures based on PdO/PdO2-functionalized ZnO:Pd Films | |
Oleg Lupan, O. Polonskyi, V. Postica, M. Hoppe, N. Wolff, Th. Pauporté, B. Viana, O. Majérus, V. Trofim, L. Kienle, F. Faupel, R. Adelung |