Local Organizing Committee Contacts

To make our communication faster, we encourage to use mobile media

In other cases, please use the following personal contacts:

Alexander Pogrebnjak

+ 38 066 237 6564

[email protected]      



Valentine Novosad

+ 1 630 252 5507

[email protected]





Aleksey Drozdenko

+38 095 919 3335

[email protected]

(Financial Documents)



Yurii Shabelnyk

 + 38 095 118 1179

[email protected]

(General Issues, Web & Proceedings)






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2, Rymskogo-Korsakova st.,
40007 Sumy, Ukraine

Tel.: +38 (0542) 68-78-45
Fax.: +38 (0542) 33-40-58
E-mail: [email protected]

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