1. Nanomaterials Synthesis & Self-assembly
Thermopower of Nanocarbon Material Containing Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes with Imperfect Strucure | |
V. M. Heraskevych, I. V. Ovsiienko, T. A. Len, T. L. Tsaregradskaya, L. Yu. Matsui, G. V. Saenko |
Synthesis and Surface Micromorphology of Double Potassium–Cadmium Paratungstate B, K2Cd4[W12O40(OH)2]·28H2O | |
Ella Duvanova, Serhii Radio, Georgiy Rozantsev, Natalia Didenko |
Luminescent Bi-containing Phosphate-Molybdate Glass-Ceramics | |
Kateryna V Terebilenko, Sergii G Nedilko, Oleksandr Alekseev, Mykola Slobodyanik, Vitalii Chornii, Maksym Lazarenko, Volodymyr Boyko |
Formation of Zn/ZnO and Zn/ZnO/NiO Multilayer Porous Nanosystems for Potential Application as Electrodes in Li-ion Battaries | |
Anna Kornyushchenko, Viktoriia Natalich, Stanislav Shevchenko, Vyacheslav Perekrestov |
Determination of Dielectric Relaxation Parameters in Epoxy Filled with Multilayered Graphene Nanoplatelets | |
Borys M. Gorelov, Alla M. Gorb, Zbigniew Czapla, Oleksiy I. Polovina, Sergey V. Shulga, Sylwester Wacke |
Probing van der Waals and Magnetic Forces in Bacteria with Magnetic Nanoparticles | |
Ana Lucia Campana, Nadeem Joudeh, Henrik Høyer, Anja Røyne, Dirk Linke, Pavlo Mikheenko |
Structure and Surface Texture Characterisation of Fibres and Nanoparticles in Silver(I):6-Guanosine Hydrogel | |
Lamia L.G. Al-mahamad |
Investigation of Carbon, Manganese and Silicon Solubility in α-Iron of Fe-Mn-Si-C Alloys | |
Natalia Yu. Filonenko, O. O. Babachenko, G. A. Kononenko |
Organic/Inorganic Dual Network Hydrogels Based on Acrylic Acid and 2-Aminoethyl-3-Aminopropyltrimetoxysilane: Synthesis and Characterization | |
Olga Slisenko, Iryna Bei, Vira Budzinska, Oleksandr Tolstov |
Computational and Experimental Study of Gd–substituted Scandium Orthovanadate Systems | |
Eduard E. Zubov, Lyudmyla I. Ardanova, Eugeni I. Get'man, Serhii V. Radio, Ian M. Hill, Yuliia A. Oleksii |
New Mixed Manganites-Chromites RMn1-xCrxO3 and Manganites-Gallates RMn1-xGaxO3 | |
Vasyl Hreb, Iryna Lutsyuk, Viktoria Kochubei, Leonid Vasylechko |
The Influence of an Average Distance Between Particles into the Dynamic Destruction of Nano Suspensions | |
Oleksandr Vsevolodovych Kuzma |
The Effect of Low-temperature Annealing on the Structure and Chemical Composition of Cu2ZnSnS4 Films Deposited on Flexible Polyimide Substrates | |
Stanislav Igorovich Kakherskyi, Roman Pshenychnyi, Oleksandr Dobrozhan, Denys Kurbatov, Anatoliy Opanasyuk |
Synthesis of Hybrid Partially Oxidized Nanodispersed Metal Particles with Simultaneous Surface Functionalization | |
Evgen Pashchenko, Denys Savchenko, Oksana Kaidash, Svitlana Kukharenko, Yulia Rumiantseva, Oleg Buriachek |
2. Thin Films & Coatings
Structure and Properties of Periodic Multilayer Metal/nitride Coatings Deposited from Filtered Vacuum-arc Plasma using Ti-Al-Y Cathode | |
Vladimir Vasyliev, Alexander Luchaninov, Elena Reshetnyak, Vladimir Strel’nitskij |
The Nanocuticle Technology (ARTIficial CutiCLE: “ARTICLE”) to Improve the Hatching of Chicken Eggs in the Poultry Farms of Countries Affected by Global Warming | |
Olga Georgiivna Bordunova, Valeriy B. Loboda, Oksana I. Ivanova, Yevgeniya A. Samokhina, Тetyana O. Chernyavska, Vadym D. Chivanov |
Obtaining and Characterization of Multicomponent Gradient Multilayer Carbide Coatings | |
Vyacheslav Perekrestov, Yurii Gannych, Yuliia Kosminska |
Analysis of Spray Deposited Cu2ZnSnxGe1-xS4 Thin Film Solar Cells: Model Creation in SCAPS-1D and Numerical Simulation of Their Performance | |
Artem Shamardin, Denys Kurbatov, Vladislav Volobuev |
Influence of Protective Nanocomposite Coatings on the State of Heat Flow in the Cutting Insert | |
Dmitrii Belous, Alexander Goncharov, Andrei Yunda, Aleksei Khomenko, Liudmila Vasilyeva, Svetlana Goncharova |
Patterns of the Formation of Transition Metal Diboride Superhard Coatings | |
Alexander Goncharov, Andrei Yunda, Ivan Kolinko |
Influence of X-ray Irradiation on Optical Parameters of (Ga0.2In0.8)2Se3 Films | |
Mykhaylo Pop, Ihor Studenyak, Mladen Kranjčec, Andriy Solomon, Leonid Suslikov |
Target Surface Temperature Measurements in DC Magnetrons | |
Leonid Robertovich Shaginyan, A. I. Kuzmichev, M. I. Mironov, I. L. Shaginyan |
Increasing the Wear Resistance of the Diamond Burnishing by Applying a Wear Resistant Nanocoating | |
Nataliia Riazanova-Khytrovska, Gennadiy Khrypunov, Elena Lapuzina |
Solubility Size Effect in Pb/Ag Binary Films | |
Vladimir Nikolayevich Sukhov, Sergey Dukarov, Sergey Petrushenko, Olga Bulhakova, Alexander Nevgasivmov |
Plasmon Resonance Changes in Thin Gold Film by Hydrogen Treatment | |
Taras Vasiliev, A. Vasiljev, T. Doroshenko |
Stain Etching and Elemental Composition of Nanostructured Silicon | |
Mykola Melnichenko, Kateryna Svezhentsova |
Diamond-like Carbon Coating in Improving the Perfomance of II-VI Devices | |
Rada Savkina, Aleksej Smirnov, Anatoly Luk`yanov, Dmytro Golyachenko, Nikita Voloshin, Roman Grill |
Energy Dispersive X-Ray Microanalysis of Part Surface Layer Carburized by Electric Spark Alloying | |
Viacheslav Tarelnyk, Oksana Gaponova, Vasyl Martsynkovskyy, Ievgen Konoplianchenko, Viktor Melnyk, Vitaliy Vlasovets, Aleksandr Sarzhanov, Nataliia Tarelnyk, Evgeniy Getsovich, Du Xin, Yuriy Semirnenko, Svetlana Semirnenko, Taras Voloshko, Olena Semernya |
Increasing the Efficiency of Running-In the Titanium Nitride Nanostructures Formed on R6M5 and 12KH18N10T Steels by Sulphidizing with Electric Spark Alloying Method | |
Ievgen Konoplianchenko, Viacheslav Tarelnyk, Oksana Gaponova, Andrey Belous, Sergey Bondarev, Olha Vasilenko, Zhengchuan Zhang, Gennady Smolyarov, Yuriy Semirnenko, Svetlana Semirnenko, Anatolii Kutakh, Marina Mikulina, Vladislav Gerasimenko |
Grain Boundary Types and Relative Grain-boundary Energy in Undoped Silicon Films with Equiaxed and Fibrous Structure | |
Tatyana Vasilievna Rodionova |
Method of Production and Structural-phase State of Medium-entropy, Equiatomic FeNiCoCu Film Alloy | |
Yu. O. Shkurdoda, A. M. Chornous, Yu. M. Shabelnyk, L. V. Dekhtyaruk, V. B. Loboda, S. M. Khursenko |
Structural Features of Carbon Nitride Nanocolumnar Films after Nanosecond Pulsed Laser Annealing in a Supercritical Fluid | |
Yuriy Georgii Pashkevych, Anatolii Prudnikov, Victoria Dmitrenko, Mariya Pas’ko, Vyacheslav Chishko |
Composition-Structure-Property Relations in Ti-Zr-C Nanocomposites | |
O. V. Maksakova, A. D. Pogrebnjak, L. G. Khomenko |
Properties of Detonation Coatings after Thermal Annealing | |
Dastan Buitkenov, Bauyrzhan Rakhadilov, Zhuldyz Sagdoldina, Rauan Kozhanova, Meruyert Maulet, Almasbek Maulit |
Structure, Hardness and Wear Resistance of the Ni-Cr-Al Detonation Coating | |
Meruyert Maulet, Bauyrzhan Rakhadilov, Olga Stepanova, Zhuldyz Sagdoldina, Askar Kassymov, Dauir Kakimzhanov |
Applications of Nb Adhesive Nanolayers in Surface Plasmon Resonanse Sensors | |
Pavlo Shpylovyy, Lebyedyeva Tetyana, Iurii Frolov |
Oxidation of Sulfurated Polyacrylonitrile-Derived Nanostructured Activated Carbon Fibers for Thermal Resistant and Multifunctional Solid Acids | |
Luidmyla Grishchenko, Sofia Chernenko, Anna Vakaliuk, Ruslan Mariychuk, Tetiana Bezugla, Oleksandr Mischanchuk, Galyna Tsapyuk, Vitaliy E. Diyuk, Andrii Yatsymyrskyi, Olga Yu. Boldyrieva, Vladyslav Lisnyak |
Influence of Ionizing Radiation on the Structure and Optical Properties of CdTe Layers for Solar Cells | |
Andrii Dobrozhan, Galina Kopach, Ruslan Mygushchenko, Olha Kropachek, Andrii Meriuts |
Optical Properties of Cobalt Oxide Thin Films | |
Ivan Petrovych Koziarskyi, Eduard Vasylovych Maistruk, Dmytro Petrovych Koziarskyi, Pavlo Dmytrovych Maryanchuk |
Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties of Polyaniline Composites | |
Ivan Saldan, Yaroslav Kovalyshyn, Ivanna Tereniak, Oleksandr Reshetnyak, Roman Serkiz |
Microstructure and Tribomechanical Properties of WN-based Binary Multilayer Protective Coatings | |
Kateryna Smyrnova, Martin Sahul, Alexander Pogrebnjak, Vyacheslav Beresnev, Vyacheslav Stolbovoy, Ľubomír Čaplovič, Martin Kusý, Marián Haršáni |
Design of LPE Growth n+–i–n+ GaAs Structures with Submicron Layers for Gunn Diodes | |
Semen Ivanovich Krukovskyi, Semen Ivanovich Krukovskyi, Ihor Izhnin, Bogdan Prytulyak |
Tailoring Magnetic Anisotropies in Thin Film Structures Based on NixFe100-x Alloys | |
Christina Gritsenko, Valeria Rodionova |
A New Combined Sputtering System for Complex Nanostructured Coatings Synthesis | |
Stanislav Yakovin, Alexander Zykov, Stanislav Dudin, Nina Yefimenko |
New Type of Superhard Nanocomposite Coatings on the Basis Nanostructured AlTiN and Diamond-Like Coatings - Orientant | |
Vladimir Levchenko, Lin Changhong, Puyou Ying, Min Huang, Jianbo Wu, Zhang Ping, Yang Tao |
Surface Modifications of Detonation Nanodiamonds | |
J. C. Arnault |
Multilayer and High-Entropy Alloy-Based Coatings for Solving the Critical Raw Materials Problem | |
Bogdan Postolnyi, Vladimir Buranich, Kateryna Smyrnova, João Pedro Araújo, Alexander Pogrebnjak, Vladyslav Rogoz |
3. Nanoscale Imaging & Characterization
Sequential Magnetic Mapping of Bacteria Loaded with Pd-Fe Nanoparticles | |
James Claxton, Nadeem Joudeh, Anja Røyne, Dirk Linke, Pavlo Mikheenko |
Low Temperature Dielectric Relaxation in the System Silica Gel – Undecylenic Acid | |
Kateryna Ivanivna Hnatiuk, M. M. Lazarenko, S. A. Alekseev, K. S. Yablochkova, R. V. Dinzhos, F. Ublekov, M. V. Lazarenko, D. A. Andrusenko, A. N. Alekseev |
Features of Thermoresistive Behavior of Polyethyleneoxide–Carbon Nanotubes Systems | |
Eduard Lysenkov, Yevhen Davydenko |
4. Nanophotonics
The Effect of Al Doping on Structure and Optical Properties of ZnO Thin Films | |
Suha A. Najim, Abid Al-karem M. Muhammed, Alexander Pogrebnjak |
Plasmon-Enhanced Fluorescence of Carbocyanine J-aggregates in Layered Polymer Films | |
Alexander Sorokin, Roman Grynyov, Irina Grankina, Irina Bespalova, Svetlana Yefimova, Yuri Malyukin |
Morphology, Optical and Electronic Characteristics of Nanocellulose Filled with Microcrystalline Cellulose and Graphene Oxide | |
Sergiy Nedilko, Valerii Barbash, Tetyna Kleshonok, Vasyl Scherbatskii, Mikita Shegeda, Olha Yashchenko, Vadim Sheludko, Olga Gomenyuk |
Luminescence of Pure Y2O3 Nanopowder and Ceramics Exposed to X-ray Irradiation | |
Oganes Kalantaryan, Vitaliy Zhurenko, Sergiy Kononenko, Ruslan Skiba, Volodimr Chishkala, Mykola Azarenkov |
Wiener Filter Application to Wavefront Shaping Algorithm with Hadamard Matrix | |
Oleksandr Danko, Andrey Kovalenko, Volodymyr Danko |
Tuning Optical Properties of AgInS2 Quantum Dots by the Change of Ag-In Stoichiometry for Their Light-emitting Applications | |
Yuriy Khalavka, Nataliia Doskaliuk, Yuriy Babyuk, Andrii Hotynchan, Galyna Okrepka |
Integration of Plasmonic and Si Nanophotonics Devices | |
Vadym Zayets |
Luminescence Properties of Magnesium Aluminum Spinel in Nanocrystalline and Single-crystal States with Cr-impurities | |
Karina Valentynivna Lamonova, Igor Danilenko, Yurii Kazarinov, Sergii Mychailovych Orel, Yurii Georgiyovych Pashkevich |
5. Transport Properties in Nanoscale Systems
Investigation of Viscosity of O-xylene / Fullerene C60 Solutions | |
Kateryna Khanchych, Vitaly Zhelezny, Igor Motovoy |
Performance Enhancement of Ge/GaAs Heterostructure Tunnelling Field Effect Transistor | |
Mohammed Farhan Jawad, Tasnim Rahman, Jibesh Kanti Saha |
N-Doped Zigzag Graphene Nanoribbons For Nanoscale Interconnects | |
Sonal Agrawal, Anurag Srivastava, Gaurav Kaushal |
Comparative Performance Analysis of TMD based Multi-Bridge Channel Field Effect Transistor (MBCFET) | |
Foez Ahmed, Robi Paul, Jibesh Kanti Saha |
6. Nanomagnetism & Magnetic Materials
Influence of Fe/Co Substitution and Nb Doping on Thermal Stability of Fe/Co-Si-B Alloys | |
Mariia Lopachak, Myroslava Kovbuz, Oksana Hertsyk, Tetiana Hula, Lidiya Boichyshyn, Khrystyna Khrushcyk |
Doping Effect of Metal Cations on the Physical-Chemical Properties of Nanomagnetite | |
Olesya Yuriivna Pavlenko, O. M. Lavrynenko, N. O. Dudchenko, O. B. Brik |
Correlation between the value granules spin in film alloys based on Fe and Ag and the magnetic and thermal coefficients of magnetic resistance | |
Larysa V. Odnodvorets |
Spin States of s=1/2 Dimer with Non-collinear Local Axes Exhibiting C2 Permutation Symmetry | |
Alexander Viktorovich Zhuravlev, Yurii G. Pashkevich |
Features of the Mechanical Behavior and Structure of Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Nanocomposites | |
Anatoliy Titenko, Lesya Demchenko, Mustafa Babanli, Sayami Huseynov, Vusal Huseynov, Oleksii Titenko |
Terahertz-Frequency Signal Source Based on an Array of Antiferromagnetic Spin Hall Oscillators | |
Oleh Shtanko, Oleksandr Prokopenko |
Magnetic Anisotropy in the Co-Al-Nitrate Layered Double Hydroxides with the Co/Al Ratios 2, 3, and 4 | |
Yuriy Georgii Pashkevych, Roman Babkin, Vasili Rubanik Jr., Vasili Rubanik, Aleksandr D. Shilin, Daniel E.L. Vieira, Andrei N. Salak, Jūras Banys |
Maximum Detected Frequency of a Detector of Terahertz Frequency Signals based on an Antiferromagnetic Tunnel Junction | |
Petro Yu. Artemchuk, Steven Louis, Oleksandr V. Prokopenko, Vasyl S. Tyberkevych, Andrei N. Slavin |
Magnetoresistive Properties of Thin-film Systems Based on Permalloy and Silver | |
Denys Shuliarenko, Iryna M. Pazukha, Oleksandr O. Pylypenko |
Magnetoresisitive Properties of Layered Structures Based on Fe and SiO | |
Ruslan Petrenko, Iryna Pazukha, Yurii Shkurdoda, Andrii Lohvynov, Oleksandr Pylypenko, Vladyslav Shchotkin, Serhii Dolgov-Gordiichuk, Leonid Dekhtyaruk |
Nanoscale Magnetic Properties of Additively Manufactured FeCoNiAlxMnx High-Entropy Alloys | |
Anthoula Poulia, Amin Azar, Peter Svec, Calliope Bazioti, Branson Belle, Anette Eleonora Gunnæs, Spyros Diplas, Pavlo Mikheenko |
Influence of Tilted Fields on Magnetization Reversal in Fe Nanodots | |
Andrea Ehrmann, Tomasz Blachowicz |
Thermally-induced Structural Phase Transitions in Pt/Fe Layered Stacks with Additional Layers of Alloying Elements | |
Ivan Kruhlov, Oksana Shamis, Nataliia Schmidt, Gabor Katona, Manfred Albrecht, Igor Vladymyrskyi |
Theory of Three-magnon Scattering in Vortex-state Magnetic Nanodisks | |
Roman Verba, Vasyl Tyberkevych, Andrei Slavin |
Spintronic Devices for Efficient Computing | |
Atsufumi Hirohata, K. Elphick, W. Frost, E. Jackson, M. Samiepour, T. Seki, T. Kubota, D. Takano, R. Ramos, E. Saitoh, K. Takanashi, T. Tsuchiya, T. Ichinose, S. Mizukami |
Magnetic Properties of Heavily Cr+-Implanted CdTe Single Crystals with Dopant-related Nanoclusters | |
Volodymyr Popovych, Shengqiang Zhou, Antoni Żywczak, Bogumil Cieniek, Ireneusz Stefaniuk, Roman Böttger, Marian Kuzma |
Handling of Magnetic Properties of Ferromagnetic Micro Scale Materials with Curvy Geometry | |
Valeria Kolesnikova, Nikolai Andreev, Andrei Bzlov, Montserrat Rivas, Valeria Rodionova |
A Cluster-glass Behavior of Co2+-Containing Layered Double Hydroxide Intercalated with Nitrate | |
Alexey Fedorchenko, Elena Fertman, Vasili V. Rubanik Jr, Vasili V. Rubanik, Daniel E.L. Vieira, Andrei N. Salak, Yurii Pashkevich, Roman Babkin |
The Internal Stresses Influence on the Magnetostatic, Magnetostrictive and Dynamic Properties of Fe-based Amorphous Microwires | |
Alyona Igorevna Litvinova, Valeria Victorovna Rodionova |
Exchange inertia effects in artificial neural networks using antiferromagnetic oscillators | |
Hannah Bradley, Vasyl Tyberkevych |
Unitary magnon-mediated quantum computing operations | |
Cody Alexander Trevillian, Vasyl Tyberkevych |
Thermal noise effects on sweep-tuned spectrum analyzer accuracy | |
Peter Elphick, Steven Louis, Petro Artemchuk, Vasyl Tyberkevych, Andrei Slavin |
Longitudinal Relaxation of Domain Walls in Ultrathin Ferromagnets | |
Ivan Yastremsky |
Circular stripe domains imprinted into the out-of-plane magnetised material | |
Oleksandr Zaiets, Denis Sheka, Volodymyr Kravchuk, Denis Makarov |
Surface Magnon-Plasmon-Polariton Resonance in a Shielded Ferromagnetic Film | |
Oleksii Volodymyrovych Malyshev, Volodymyr Malyshev, Oleksandr Prokopenko |
Magnonic crystal based on YIG/hexaferite films | |
Vladyslav Kariachka, Volodymyr Malyshev, Oleksandr Prokopenko, Vladyslav Romaniuk, Viсtor Kostenko, Dmytro Bozhko |
7. Superconductivity in Nanoscale Systems
Influence of Surface Anions on the Transport Q1D Electrons in Gas Phase over Helium Film | |
V.A. Nikolaenko |
Nonlinear Proximity Effect in a Hybrid Normal Metal-Superconductor Structure | |
Eduard E. Zubov |
Nano Superconductivity and Quantum Processing of Information in Living Organisms | |
Pavlo Mikheenko |
8. Nanodevices & Sensors
Application of Nanocellulose in Humidity Sensors for Biodegradable Electronics | |
Viktoriia Koval, Valerii Barbash, Mykhailo Dusheyko, Vladyslav Lapshuda, Olga Yashchenko, Yuriі Yakimenko |
Direct Laser Writing Technique for Non-enzymatic Sensors Fabtication | |
Vladimir Andriianov, Evgeniia Khairullina, Alexandra Smikhovskaia, Maxim Panov, Ilya Tumkin |
Photovoltaic, Photocatalytic and Microfluidic Energy Harvesters for Autonomous Sensor Systems | |
Ivan Turkevych |
Zinc Oxide Doped Tungsten Trioxide Nanostructure for Ethanol Gas Sensor Applications | |
Giddaluru Adilakshmi, Akepati Sivasankar Reddy, P. Sreedhara Reddy |
9. Nanomaterials for Energy & Environment
Effect of Precursor Type on Physico-Chemical and Photocatalytic Properties of TiO2-SnO2 Nanocomposites | |
Kateryna Bila, Tetiana Dontsova, Anastasiya Kutuzova |
Formation of C/Zn C/Ni Nanocomposites for Potential Application in Electrodes of LIB | |
Anna Kornyushchenko, Stanislav Shevchenko, Victoria Natalich, Vyacheslav Perekrestov |
The Influence of Nanosized Zirconium (IV) Oxide on the Catalytic Curing of Epoxy Resin ED-20 with Isomethyltetrahydrophthalic Anhydride | |
Evgeniia Bakhalova, Elena Shved, Yuliia Bespalko, Oksana Gorban, Kseniia Yutilova |
Study of Power Transformer Insulation Model. The X-Y Model of Oil Impregnated Pressboard - Water Nanodrops - Insulating Oil Composite | |
Przemysław Rogalski |
Functional Polymer Coated MoS2 Nanocomposites as Promising Lithium Current Sources | |
Oksana Balaban, N. Mitina, A. Zaichenko, O. Paiuk, Yu. Shermolovich |
Research of AC Electrical Properties of ZrC Nanocomposite Produced by Magnetron Sputtering | |
Vitalii Bondariev, Ihor Lebedynskyi |
Computer Simulation of Percolation in a Two-dimensional Square Network | |
Paweł Okal |
Nanocomposite Sorbents Based on TiO2 Containing Manganese Spinel for Concentration of Lithium Ions | |
Liudmyla Nikolaevna Ponomarova, Mariia Chaban, Ludmila Rozhdesvenska, Yulia Dzyazko, Alexey Palchik |
Electrical Conductivity of Ceramics Based on(Cu1-xAgx)7SiS5I Nanocrystalline Powders | |
Artem Pogodin, Ihor Studenyak, Iryna Shender, Serhiy Bereznyuk, Michael Filep, Oleksandr Kokhan |
Quality Indicators of Ammonium Nitrate with Nanoporous Surface Structure: Final Drying Stage | |
Nadiia Artyukhova, Jan Krmela, Vladimira Krmelova |
Technological Basis for the Production of Ammonium Nitrate with a Nanoporous Surface and Near-surface Structure in Combined Flow Motion Devices | |
Artem Artyukhov, Kristina Berladir, Jan Krmela |
Chemical Vapor Deposition Routes for Fluorine- and Sulfur-containing Activated Carbon Acid Catalysts: Comparison of Fluorination Methods | |
Luidmyla Grishchenko, Alexander N Zaderko, Sofia Chernenko, Anna Vakaliuk, Oleksandr Mischanchuk, Galyna G Tsapyuk, Andrii Yatsymyrskyi, Vitaliy E. Diyuk, Olga Boldyrieva, Vladyslav Lisnyak |
A Comparative Study on the Stability and Degradation of Perovskite Solar Cells | |
Jyotiska Chakraborty, Lihong (Heidi) Jiao |
Physical and Electrochemical Properties of TiO2 Nanotubes for Energy Storage Application | |
El-Hadi Khoumeri, Henia Fraoucene |
Comparison of Electrical Properties of Moistured Pressboard Impregnated with New and Used Synthetic Ester | |
Konrad Kierczynski, Marek Zenker |
1D Nanostructure Materials for the Energy Conversion | |
Yuriy Pihosh, Vikas Nandal, Kazuhiko Seki, Kazunari Domen |
Calcium Copper Titanate Based Nanocomposites for the Photoelectrocatalytic Wastewater Treatment | |
Fida Tanos, Antonio Razzouk, Marc Crettin, Geoffroy Lesage, Mikhael Bechelany |
Magnetic Field Assisted-Nanocatalysis for Industrial Wastewater Treatment | |
Alvaro Gallo-Cordova, Juan José Castro, Elin L. Winkler, Enio Lima Jr., Roberto D. Zysler, María del Puerto Morales, Jesús G. Ovejero, Daniela Almeida Streitwieser |
Evolution of Multicomponent Structures of Biopolymer Composites Under the Action of Severe Plastic Deformation | |
Andrei Voznyak, Galina Ivanova, Igor Dovgoruk |
The Electrophysical and Morphological Properties of Hydrothermal Synthesized CuFe2O4 and CuFe2O4 / Reduced Graphene Oxide Composite | |
Volodymyr Olehovych Kotsyubynsky, Volodymyra Mykhailivna Boichuk, Ruslan Ihorovych Zapukhlyak, Myroslava Andriivna Hodlevska, Mykola Andriiovych Hodlevskyi, Andrii Ihorovych Kachmar |
Application of Nano Materials for the Treatment of Produced Water | |
Kingsley Tamunokuro Amakiri, Athanasios Angelis-Dimakis, Marco Molinari |
10. Biomedical Applications
Viricidal Potential of Plasmonic and Metal Oxide Nanostructures: A Review | |
Marco Laurence Mondejar Budlayan, Jonathan Nacalaban Patricio, Susan Del Rosario Arco, Rey Yonson Capangpangan |
Studying Stem Cells With Iron Oxide Nanoparticles | |
V. Budnyk, L. Lukash, O. Papuga, M. Budnyk, S. Lukash, I. Uvarova |
Synthesis and Study of the Photodynamic Activity of Titanium Based Nanocomposites on MDA-MB-231 Cells | |
Pravena Ramachandran, Chong Yew Lee, Boon Keat Khor, Ruey-An Doong, Chern Ein Oon, Hooi Ling Lee |
Structural and Biological Assessment of Mg Alloy Surface after Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation in Different Solutions | |
Yevgeniia Husak, Viktoriia Kornienko, Wojciech Simka, Oleksandr Oleshko, Tetiana Oleshko, Bohdan Dryhval, Julia Dudko, Maksym Pogorielov |
Physical аnd Chemical Characterization оf The Magnesium Surface Modified By Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation – Influence of Immersion In Simulated Body Fluid | |
Oleksandr Oleshko, Yevheniia Husak, Tetiana Oleshko, Viktoriia Kornienko, Sergiy Kyrylenko, Bohdan Dryhval, Julia Dudko, Wojciech Simka, Maksym Pogorielov |
ROS-sensitive Dyes in Lipid Nanoparticles for in vivo Imaging | |
Tatiana Abakumova, Tatiana Prikazchikova, Ilya Aparin, Alexandr Vaneev, Petr Gorelkin, Alexandr Erofeev, Timofei Zatsepin |
Biopolymer Composite Nanostructured Material Based on Chitosan and Brilliant Green Triarylmethane Dye | |
Anatoly Sklyar, Oksana Kalinkevich, Viktoriia Holubnycha, Yevgen Zinchenko, Aleksei Kalinkevich, Sergei Danilchenko, Yana Trofimenko, Vadim Chivanov, Vadim Starikov, Dmitry Sofronov |
Proton Beam Writing on Chitosan Films for Bionanomedicine and Microfluidics: Pilot Experiments | |
Oksana Kalinkevich, Hlib Polozhii, Sergey Kolinko, Yevgen Zinchenko, Aleksei Kalinkevich, Sergei N. Danilchenko, Aleksandr G. Ponomarev, Ivan Yukhymovych Protsenko |
Sorption Composite Based on Hydroxyapatite and Biopolymers for Drainage of Purulent Cavities | |
Mariia Kumeda, Luidmyla Sukhodub, Volodymyr Beilai, Leonid Sukhodub, Sergii Zhdanov |
Bio-functionalization of Electrospun Polymeric Nanofibers by Ti3C2Tx MXene | |
Sergiy Kyrylenko, Oleksandr Oleshko, Veronika Zahorodna, Yulia Zozulia, Viktoriia Kornienko, Maksym Kolesnyk, Vladimir Buranich, Vitalii Balitskyi, Ivan Baginskiy, Oleksiy Gogotsi, Oleg Mishchenko, Alexander Pogrebnjak, Maksym Pogorielov |
The Behaviors of Non-persistent Plasmonic Nano-architectures | |
Valerio Voliani |
Composite on the Base of Natural Silicates (Zeolite, Kaolinite, Montmorillonite) and Plant Raw Material for Food and Cosmetics Purposes: Nanocomposites and Nanohybrids | |
Viktoriia V. Paientko, A. Matkovsky, L. Babenko, N. Liedienov, A. Pashchenko, O. Yesypchuk, V. Kostur, V. Zadorozniy |
Rescuing Neuroblastoma Cells from Oxidative Stress using Naturally-derived Graphene Quantum Dots | |
Jyoti Ahlawat, Mahesh Narayan |
Composite of Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticles Substituted with Zinc as Promising Tool for Leukemia Treatment | |
Anna Motorzhina, Stanislav Pshenichnikov, Marija Vukomanovic, Sonja Jovanovic, Kateryna Levada, Valeria Rodionova |
Effect of Piezoelectric Composites on the Adhesion and Migration of Neuronal Stem Cells | |
Valentina Antipova, Abdulkarim Amirov, Kateryna Levada, Yilin Han, Elena N. Kozlova, Valeria Rodionova |
11. Theory & Modeling
The Polarizing Phonons Influence on the Energy Shift of Electrons in the Quantum Dot | |
Cornelia Tovstyuk |
Physico-chemical Characteristics of Components as a Factor in the Formation of Nanoamorphous Structure in the Al87RE5Ni8(Fe) System | |
Khrystyna Khrushchyk, Mariia Lopachak, Lidiya Boichyshyn, Nataliya Pandiak, Bohdan Kotur, Tetyana Hula |
Shear Acoustic Phonons in AlN/GaN Nanostructures in the Presence of the Piezoelectric Effect | |
Igor Boyko, Halyna Tsupryk, Yurii Stoianov |
Effect of Interface Phonons on the Electron Spectrum in Far Infrared Range Quantum Cascade Detector at Cryogenic Temperature | |
Evgeniya Vereshko, Julia Seti, Mykola Tkach |
Modelling of the Formation of p-p+ Transitions under the Influence of Pulsed Laser Irradiation in p-Ge | |
Roman Peleshchak, Oleh Kuzyk, Olesya Dan’kiv |
Critical Properties Study of Exactly Solved Spin Models for Ferromagnets and Ferroelectics | |
Alexandra N. Galdina, Andrii N. Turinov |
Kinetics of the Formation of Ferroelectric Regular Domain Structures upon Second Order Phase Transition | |
Olga Yuriivna Mazur, Leonid Illich Stefanovich |
Modeling the Mechanisms of Fracture Formation in Nanomodified Polymers | |
Aleksandr Volodymyrovych Gondlyakh, Aleksandr Evhenovych Kolosov, Valeriy Yuriyovych Shcherbina, Aleksandr Leonydovych Sokolskiy, Andrey Olegovych Chemeris, Sergiy Igorevych Antonyuk |
Development of the Model for Describing the Electrical Conductivity of Polyether-CNT Systems | |
Eduard Lysenkov, Yevhen Davydenko |
Electrical Properties of Doped Germanium Nanofilms | |
Sergiy Luniov, Oleksandr Burban, Yurii Koval |
The Semi-Empirical Approach for Newtonian Nanofluids Viscosity Predicting | |
Olga Khliyeva, Vitaly Zhelezny, Nikita Khliiev, Yana Hlek |
Vortex States in Core-Shell Ferroelectric Nanoparticles for Multi-Bit Memory | |
Anna N. Morozovska, Eugene A. Eliseev, Riccardo Hertel, Viktoriia V. Tulaidan, Victor Yu. Reshetnyak, Dean R. Evans |
Electronic and Optical Properties of 1T’-ReS2 Graphene van der Waals Heterostuctures | |
Amretashis Sengupta |
12. Symposium on Additive Manufacturing and Applications
The Active Wave Resistance Determination of Hollow Perforated Rotor of Electromechanical Converter | |
Mykola Zablodskiy, Volodymyr Gritsyuk, Olga Tymofieieva |
Creation of Volumetric Products Using Additive Arc Cladding with Compact and Powder Filler Materials | |
Viktor Kvasnytskyi, Volodymyr Korzhyk, Ivan Lahodzinskyi, Yevhenii Illiashenko, Sviatoslav Peleshenko, Oleksandr Voitenko |
Tracking Additive Manufacturing Using Machine Vision | |
Lenning Alston Davis, John Donnal, Michael Kutzer |
Buckling behavior of isogrid composite structures obtained by Fused Deposition Modeling technique | |
Archimede Forcellese, Luciano Greco, Tommaso Mancia, Massimiliano Pieralisi, Michela Simoncini |
Machine-Learning Based Modelling for AM Processes | |
Hua Li |
Parts Diamond Burnishing Process Regimes Optimization Made of INCONEL 718 Alloy via Selective Laser Sintering Method | |
Yevhen Vyshnepolskyi, Dmytro Pavlenko, Daria Tkach, Yaroslav Dvirnyk |
Predicting the Thermomechanical Properties of the Refractory High-entropy Alloys for Additive Manufacturing-based Fabrication and Mechatronic Applications | |
Vladimir Buranich, Vlad Rogoz, Bogdan Postolnyi, Alexander Pogrebnjak |
Supply Chain and Cost Evaluation for Laser Powder Bed Fusion | |
Matthias Schneck, Matthias Schmitt, Georg Schlick |
Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Additive Manufactured Porous Regenerator for Stirling Cryocooler | |
Kadayam Venkatraman Srinivasan, Arulprakasajothi Mahalingam, Revanth Metla |
Experimental Study of Aluminum Foams Thermal Conductivity. Prospects of Additive Manufacturing for Novel Heat Exhangers Production | |
Aleksey Kovalevsky, Ariel Mats, Mark Shmurak, Alex Fleisher |
Effect of Build Orientation in Electron Beam Melting of Ti-6Al-4V Specimens | |
Gary Muller-Kamskii, Stepan Stepanov, Evgeny Strokin, Anastasia Kolomiets, Igor Kovalevsky, Artemiy Popov |
CAD-platform-based Process Optimization Design Method by Selective Laser Melting Simulation | |
Enrico Dalpadulo, Fabio Pini, Francesco Leali |
Advantages of 3D Printing for Gynecology and Obstetrics: Brief Review of Applications, Technologies, and Prospects | |
Elena V. Kudryavtseva, Vladimir V. Popov Jr., Gary Muller-Kamskii, Ekaterina S. Zakurinova, Vladislav V. Kovalev |
Smart Modelling of Aditively Manufactured Metamaterials | |
Conrado Luis Garrido Fernandez de Vera, Daniel Barba |
Crack Arresters Design for Fatigue Strength Improvement of Additively Manufactured Components | |
Paolo Ferro, Stefano Rosso, Gianpaolo Savio, Roberto Meneghello, Filippo Berto, Seyed Mohammed Javad Razavi |
Investigation of the printing parameters influence on the bond lines length in fused filament fabrication | |
Larysa Hurina, Yevhen Vyshnepolskyi, Dmytro Pavlenko, Dmytro Stepanov |
Graded Gyroid Structures for Load Bearing Orthopedic Implants | |
Lorenzo Guariento, Francesco Buonamici, Antonio Marzola, Yary Volpe, Lapo Governi |
3D Printed Lattice Structures: A Brief Review | |
Ande Harshavardhan Reddy, Saritha Davuluri, Dhatreyi Boyina |
Advanced Smoothing for Voxel-based Topologically Optimized 3D Models | |
Antonio Bacciaglia, Alessandro Ceruti, Alfredo Liverani |
Investigation of Injection Molded UHMWPE Liner Manufacturability | |
Kitti Keszei, Norbert Krisztián Kovács |
3D Printable Pneumatic Valves for Rapidly Manufacturable Mechanical Ventilator Amid COVID-19 Outbreak | |
Hossein Gohari, Dylan Bender, Ahmad Barari |
Surface Polishing of Laser Powder Bed Fused Superalloy Components by Magnetic Post-treatment | |
Dmytro Lesyk, Silvia Martinez, Vitaliy Dzhemelinskyi, Olena Stamann, Bohdan Mordyuk, Aitzol Lamikiz |
In-situ Alloying as a Novel Methodology in Additive Manufacturing | |
Alexander Katz-Demyanetz, Andrey Koptyug, Vladimir V. Popov Jr. |
Producing High Precision Additive Manufacturing Parts by Direct Printing of NURBS Surfaces | |
Hossein Gohari, Ahmad Barari |
4D Printing using Anisotropy of Extrusion Type Additive Manufacturing | |
Keun Park, Bona Goo, Chae-Hee Hong |
Extending the Use of Lignocellulosic Biomass in Additive Manufacturing Technology | |
Mohd Shaiful Sajab, Denesh Mohan |
Additive Manufacturing of Brass Alloys | |
Vladimir V. Popov, Alex Fleisher, Evgeny Strokin, Aleksey Kovalevsky |
Evaluation of 3D Printed Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering | |
Anniina Palojarvi, Tuan Nguyen, Minna Kihlstrom, Prateek Singh |
Numerical Simulation of Additive Manufacturing Process of Large Parts with Polyurethane Foams | |
Elodie Paquet, Benoit Furet, Sébastien Garnier, Sébastien Le Loch, Alain Bernard |
Additive Manufacturing of Heavy Rare Earth Free High-Coercivity Permanent Magnets | |
Alexey Volegov, Sergey Andreev, Nadezhda Selezneva, Nikolai Kudrevatykh, Ilya Ryzhikhin, Lutz Mädler, Ilya Okulov |
Electrically Conductive Adhesives as the New Materials for Fused Filament Fabrication 3D Printing Process | |
Paulina Latko-Durałek, Audrey Diouf Lewis, Daniel Therriault |
4D printing: Functional and Microstructure Engineering in Powder Bed Additive Manufacturing | |
Andrey Koptyug, Carlos Botero, William Sjöström, Lars-Erik Rännar, Stefan Roos, Mikael Bäckström |
13. Interdisciplinary Topics
The Study of Micro - and Nanostructural Characteristics of Ostrich (Struthio camelus) Eggshell by the Method of Temperature-Programmable Mass Spectrometry (TPD-MS) | |
Olga Georgiivna Bordunova, Valeriy B. Loboda, Rimma V. Dolbanosova, Petro S. Danylchenko, Sergey M. Danilchenko, Vadym D. Chivanov, Vjacheslav V. Popsui, Andriy O. Stepanenko, Oksana I. Ivanova |
Thermo-electric Impact of Nano-Materials on Transformer Oil and Synthetic Ester Oil | |
Rao Hasanain Muzaffar Ali, Mohd Faraz Alam, Khalid Abdullah Khan, Sughra Muzaffar |
Radiomodifying Effect of X-Ray Radiation on Microflora of Yogurts with Ultradisperse Powders of Beta Vulgaris | |
Maryna M. Samilyk, Anna O. Gelih, Oksana V. Kalinkevich, Natalia V. Bolgova, Igor V. Shelest, Yana V. Trofimenko, Yevgen Zinchenko, Vadim Chivanov, Aleksei Kalinkevich |
Investigation of Surface Morphology and Shell Crystal Structure on the Mineral Fertilizer Granules | |
Serhii Vakal, Anna Yanovska, Viktoriia Vakal, Tetiana Yarova, Artem Artyukhov, Viktoriia Shkola |
Structure Peculiarities of the Surface Layers of Structural Steel under Laser Alloying | |
Olena Berdnikova, Olga Kushnaryova, Artemii Bernatskyi, Tetyana Alekseienko, Yevhen Polovetskyi, Maksym Khokhlov |
Controlling the Microstructural Properties of Magnetic Iron Oxide Synthesized using Brown Seaweed (Sargassum Crassifolium) Extract | |
Jonathan Nacalaban Patricio, Susan Del Rosario Arco, Rey Yonson Capangpangan, Arnold Cafe Alguno, Marco Laurence M. Budlayan |