Conference policy
- Abstract submission
- Proceedings paper submission
Publication policy
- Review and content control
- Templates and paper preparation
Submission and interaction with our website
- Authorized services and your account
- Electronic submission process
- Editing of your submission(s)
1. Conference policy
Once you register, please follow the Start Submission link to create new Submission with unique ID. There are three options for submitting your contribution:
a. Abstract submission
The simplest submission option implies uploading one-page abstract prepared using the provided template (See appropriate folder in Deadline for abstracts submission is June 14, 2021. The size of this document should not exceed 3Mb. If accepted for presentation, your abstract will be used “as is” in the online version of the conference program. It will not be copyrighted or indexed in any databases. Thus, only full-size Conference Proceedings manuscripts that are accepted for publication (after a peer-review process, see details below) will be indexed by Scopus and other Databases.
b. Proceedings paper submission
We welcome submission of the 4-5 pages long conference manuscripts. The Organizing Committee encourages gratefully the proceeding paper submission as the most desirable option. One should use the special IEEE template ( in the common template archive) for the Proceedings manuscript preparation. See the other details below. The manuscript submitted will be peer-reviewed. If your submission is accepted, it will be proposed for inclusion into IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A and I) databases. Note, if the work not presented at the conference (“no-show”), it will be automatically removed from the Conference Proceedings and will not be submitted to IEEE. Deadline for manuscripts submission is June 14, 2021. Maximum size of manuscripts is less than 5 Mb. One can submit a Proceeding paper instead of an Abstract up until the deadline.
2. Publication policy
The scientific content and technical quality of all submission are among our top priorities. We expect all our authors to invest enough time and efforts in order to prepare publishable papers that meet and exceed the high standards of IEEE.
a. Review and content control
The uniqueness of the text will be checked for all submissions. We will reject the papers that have been published before as a whole or in main parts. To verify the scientific relevance of submission the standard peer-review process (two reviewers) will be used. The Conference Organizers do not have to meet any “rejection rate” requirements, but we will recommend only high-quality manuscripts for further evaluation by IEEE Xplore team. When it will be possible, our Editor(s) and Reviewers will try to help improving the quality of the manuscript. The Reviewers will be asked to evaluate the manuscripts using the following criteria:
- Originality of the work. The paper should contain original (unpublished) data that enhances the existing body of knowledge in the given subject area. Review articles are acceptable for invited speakers only.
- Technical quality. Experiments, statistics, and other analyses should be performed to a high technical standard and described in sufficient details.
- Title and Abstract should reflect the content of the manuscript. The conclusions should be supported by the data.
- The articles should be written in standard, understandable English. The manuscript with poor English will be rejected without review.
- Appropriate references to related prior published works must be included. Self-citation will be monitored and limited to less than 25%.
b. Templates and paper preparation
Please download the archive with templates and follow the provided instructions regarding the manuscript structure, fonts size and requirements to figures, tables, equations and cited literature. We reserve the right to return for revision and not to consider your submission if the formatting does not comply with the requirements.
3. Submission and interaction with our website
Our website is based on the OCS framework and keep our content orderly. All accepted submissions from 2011 year are assessable via Archive & Proceedings menu item and “Search” tool in the right top corner. This year accepted reports have unique IDs and are available via “Submitted” tool. This is why we ask you to follow the routine procedure and be patient once you start the submission.
a. Authorized services and your account
Our site is a multiuser system, where different roles are possible. Thus, role of author can be chosen by yourself during the registration or further editing of your profile. All necessary actions can be performed using ONE user profile. Thus, please, maintain your personal data carefully and do not create two or more accounts. One can use the recovering service if you have forgotten your password based on your email address. Once you logged in, you can make a new submission, edit of the existing ones or send message to us. Most of the questions can be handled via Emails.
b. Electronic submission process
First, please prepare your abstract or proceeding paper in full accordance with our templates. Then, after authorization, please complete all four steps of the submission procedure
Step 1: Please, check carefully your desired track (i.e. section) and type of preferred presentation (poster or oral). This information is very important for the conference program. We will take into account the type of presentation you desire, but can not guarantee it. In the field “Comments for Conference Director” please provide us with the names of at least three potential referees who do not work in the same institution and who has a record of publications in the field of the manuscript (PhD students are not eligible). Format is the following: Referee 1 (2, 3) Name, Title, Institution, Areas of expertise, E-mail (current and valid), Personal web-page (or RG, Google Scholar, Scopus, Researcher ID profile).
Step 2: Upload your file.
Step 3: Enter Metadata. The language of the metadata is ENGLISH. Please, carefully type all metadata to the special inputs in absolute agreement with the uploaded file. All the authors should be input SEPARATELY using “Add Author” link. The full institution addresses (affiliations), as well as a short abstract should be declared identically everywhere. Please, input all metadata as a PLAIN TEXT! Do not use simply copy-paste form you MS-Word file.
Step 4: Confirmation. Don't forget to confirm all your previous actions in this step. Otherwise, the Conference secretary will not be able to see your submission.
To avoid any mistakes, please do not rush, read instructions, and be patient by completing all above-mentioned steps thoroughly. Please refer to FAQ section or contact us in the case of any questions.
c. Editing of your submission
Please keep the “1-to-1” principle: “One report – One submission”. Once you complete your submission with the unique ID, it will be stored in your Author Profile. All necessary changes and adjustments should be performed within this created submission with assigned ID. All submissions that are accepted (or rejected) will be placed into “Archive” sub-folder. All the others are contained in “Active” sub-folder. By click on the submission title one can browse it. The metadata correction is available in “Summary” sub-menu, via “Edit Metadata” hyperlink. The uploading of new manuscript versions and the tools of communications with Referees and Publication Editor(s) is available in “Review” sub-menu, “Director Decision” subsection. All these tools will be available in the phase of consideration of your submission. Please refer to our FAQ section or contact us in the case of any questions.