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Nanostructured Thin Films

Influence of ion implantation on the physical and mechanical properties of multifunctional coatings based on Ti-Si-N
Andriy Shypylenko, A V Pshyk, K Medjanik, B Peplinska, K Oyoshi, S Jurga, E Coy

Nanoparticle and Nanodevice Production Technology

Tasks and Tools of Nanoinformatics in Nano Materials Application in Space Industry
Vitaliy Omelyanenko

Magnetic Fine Particles and Multilayers

Investigation of Magneto-optical Linear Dichroism Property of the TMA Coated Magnetic Fluid
Selma Önal Köklü, İsmail Yariçi, Yavuz Öztürk

Nanomaterials Applications in Biotechnologies and Medicine

Processes of metamorphism in iron-oxide-silicate rocks, their microbiological, nanochemical and nanostructural transformations
Viktoria Oleksandrivna Olejnik, Andrii Valentinovich Panko, Igor Grygorovich Kovzun, Vitalii Anatoljevich Prokopenko, Eugen Vladimirovich Ablets, Elena Anatolievna Tsyganovich, Elena Mihailovna Nikipelova

Nanomaterials Applications in Electronics, Spintronics and Photonics

Influence of Zr-doping on the luminescence properties of ceria nanocrystals
Elena Okrushko, Vladilav Seminko, Pavel Maksimchuk, Irina Bespalova, Nataliya Kononets, Anna Puzan, Yuriy Malyukin

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