1. Nanomaterials Synthesis & Self-assembly
Dissolution-Precipitation Synthesis of Nanoscale Ion-Substituted Calcium Phosphates with Whitlockite Structure | |
Aleksej Zarkov, Agne Kizalaite, Diana Griesiute, Lauryna Sinusaite, Inga Grigoraviciute-Puroniene, Aivaras Kareiva |
INTs/MnO2/TiO2/PANI composites: toward new applications and enforced functionality | |
Georgii Volodymyrovich Sokolsky, Erwan Paineau, Erwan Paineau, Maksym Zahornyi, Maksym Zahornyi, Nadejda Gayuk, Nadejda Gayuk, Andrey Ragulya, Andrey Ragulya, Iryna Kovinchuk, Iryna Kovinchuk |
Structural and luminescent properties of Cr substituted Mg3Al1-xCrx layered double hydroxides synthesized through the conversion of sol-gel-derived mixed metal oxides | |
Ligita Valeikiene, Inga Grigoraviciute-Puroniene, Artūras Katelnikovas, Aleksej Zarkov, Aivaras Kareiva |
Properties Of Metal Doped Graphene Flakes Obtained By Three-Electrode Electrochemical Method | |
Kamil Goc |
Influence of Graphene Oxide on Absorption Spectra and Structure of Poly-ortho-Anisidine Films | |
Oksana Konopelnyk, Olena Aksimentyeva, Valentina Glazunova |
High luminescent and Ultra-stable Metal halide perovskite and Metal-Organic Frameworks-based Nanocomposites for LED Applications | |
Priyanshu Goel |
Necklace-shaped Ag Nanoparticles on Niobate Plates: Photochemical Synthesis and Optical Properties | |
Galyna Grodzyuk |
2. Multifunctional Thin Films & Coatings
Deposition and characterization of Ti-Nb-C coatings by dc magnetron sputtering | |
Volodimir Ivashchenko, Alexei Onoprienko, Petro Skrynskyy, Andriy Kozak, Elena Olifan, Andriy Kovalchenko, Alexei Sinelnitchenko, Alexander Marchuk, Vasyl Granko |
About possibility application a hollow cathode discharge for evaporation and filtration micro-droplets from erosion plasma source | |
Andrew Ryabtsev, Vladimir Bazhenov, Alexey Goncharov, Vasyl Maslov, Vyacheslav Tsiolko |
Plasma Nitriding of Stainless Steel in Non-Self-Sustained Gas Discharge with Hollow Anode and Pulsed Bias | |
Igor Yevgenievich Garkusha, Svitlana Pavlivna Romaniuk, Ivan Oleksandrovich Misiruk, Oleksandr Ivanovich Tymoshenko, Grigorij Pavlovych Nikolaychuk, Anton Valerievich Taran |
New Process for Nitrding Steel Parts | |
Viacheslav Tarelnyk, Oksana Gaponova, Vasyl Martsynkovskyy, Ievgen Konoplianchenko, Viktor Melnyk, Vitaliy Vlasovets, Marina Mikulina, Sergey Bondarev, Olha Vasilenko, Serhii Hudkov, Anatolii Kutakh, Galina Golovchenko |
New Method for Nitrocarburizing Steel Parts | |
Viacheslav Tarelnyk, Oksana Gaponova, Bogdan Antoszewski, Czeslaw Kundera, Vasyl Martsynkovskyy, Ievgen Konoplianchenko, Viktor Melnyk, Vitaliy Vlasovets, Mykhaylo Dovzhyk, Mykola Zenkin, Andriy Zahorulko, Nataliia Tarelnyk, Anton Polyvanyi |
Features of modeling the processes of formation of films of refractory compounds | |
Alexander Goncharov, Andrei Yunda, Ivan Kolinko, Svetlana Goncharova, Oleksii Fesenko |
Colors of MXenes – Optical Properties and Optoelectronic Applications of 2D Carbides and Nitrides | |
Kathleen Maleski, Yury Gogotsi |
Surface morphology and growth mechanisms of Pb-Cd-Te thin films | |
Tetyana Tsymbaliuk, Bohdana Naidych, Oksana Kostyuk, Yaroslav Yavorskyi, Lyubomyr Nykyruy, Rostyslav Yavorskyi, Olena Chernikova, Grzegorz Wisz, Lukasz Glowa |
Photocatalytically active titania-based structures obtained by hydrolysis of titanyl sulfate | |
Evgeny Bondarenko, Nadzeya Brezhneva, Hanna Maltanava, Pavel Chulkin, Tatiana Gaevskaya, Sergey Poznyak |
Raman characterization of MXene films | |
Hanna Maltanava, Sergey Poznyak, Evgeni Ovodok, Ivan Svito, Nadzeya Brezhneva, Oleksiy Gogotsi |
3. Nanoscale Characterization & Imaging
Magnetic Force Microscopy of Advanced Materials and Nanostructures | |
Jose Miguel Garcia-Martin |
Numerical determination of the strength of nanomodified ceramics | |
Aleksanr Vladimirovich Gondlyakh |
4. Nanophotonics
Laser-Induced Periodic Ag Surface Structure with Au Nanorods Plasmonic Nanocavity Metasurface for Strong Enhancement of Adenosine Nucleotide Label-Free Photoluminescence Imaging | |
Anastasiia Tomchuk, Oleg Yeshchenko, Sergii Golovynskyi, Vladislav Kudrya, Igor Dmitruk, Nataliya Berezovska |
6. Nanomagnetism & Magnetic Materials
Magnetization dynamics in nanofiber networks | |
Tomasz Blachowicz, Andrea Ehrmann, Pawel Steblinski, Jacek Grzybowski |
Identifying Magnetic Phases in Additively Manufactured High-Entropy Alloy FeCoNiAlxMnx | |
Aleksander Amble Larsen, Anthoula Poulia, Amin Azar, Calliope Bazioti, Patricia Carvalho, Anette Eleonora Gunnæs, Branson Belle, Spyros Diplas, Pavlo Mikheenko |
Magnetiс anisotropy of nanotwinned martensite in magnetic shape memory alloys | |
Vladimir Golub, Victor L’vov, Olga Salyuk, Jose Manuel Barandiaran, Volodymyr Chernenko |
Giant fourfold magnetic anisotropy in nanotwinned NiMnGa epitaxial film | |
Yulia Kharlan, Vladimir Golub, Pavlo Bondarenko |
The Evolution of the Microstructure, Transformation Behavior and Magnetic Resonance Properties of the Epitaxial Ni(Co)MnSn Films | |
Dariia Popadiuk, Jose Manuel Barandiaran, Volodymyr Chernenko, Vladimir Golub |
The Dark Energy of Quantum Materials | |
Laura Н. Greene |
Thickness and composition dependences of magnetoresistive properties of granular thin film systems obtained by co-evaporated Ag and Co | |
Ihor Shpetnyi, Yurii Shkurdoda, Iryna Nakonechna, Vasyl Pak, Viktor Grebinaha, Serhii Vorobiov, Daria Kondrakhova, Leonid Satrapinskyy |
8. Nanosensors & Nanodevices
Photoelectrochemical enzymatic biosensors based on ZnO tetrapods/MXene nanocomposites | |
Igor Iatsunskyi, Nataliya Babayevska, Valerii Myndrul, Oleksiy Gogotsi |
Effect of Graphene Oxide on the Gas Sensitivity of Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Films | |
Yuliia Horbenko, Olena Aksimentyeva, Valentina Glazunova |
9. Nanomaterials for Energy & Environment
Hexaphenanthrenyl-Terminated Iron, Ruthenium, and Cobalt(II) Clathrochelates Designed for Efficient Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Production | |
Nina Chornenka, Artem Pushkarev, Sergey Grigoriev, Valery Kalinichenko, Alexander Belov, Yan Voloshin |
Influence of fluorination on the impedance of carbon fibers | |
Yurii S. Milovanov, Irina V. Gavrilchenko, Alexander N. Zaderko, Іvan I. Іvanov, Valeriy A. Skryshevsky |
Double Hierarchical 3D Carbon Nanotube Network with Tailored Structure as a Lithium Sulfur Cathode | |
Helge Krüger, Heather Cavers, Ole Gronenberg, Ulrich Schürmann, Yogendra K. Mishra, Jannick Jacobsen, Jürgen Carstensen, Norbert Stock, Lorenz Kienle, Fabian Schütt, Rainer Adelung, Sandra Hansen |
Pseudocapacitive performance of WO3/g-C3N4 nanocomposites | |
Oluwafunmilola Ola, Yu Chen, Yanqiu Zhu, David Grant |
10. Nanobiomedical Research & Applications
Free radical scavenging properties of the novel graphene-based nano-antioxidants | |
Kateryna Voitko, Sergiy Zhuravskyi, Alina Grinko |
Cardioprotective effect of graphene oxide pretreatment against reperfusion injury in rats | |
Yulia V Goshovska, Kateryna V Voitko, Yulia P Korkach, Vadym F Sagach |
Carbon-Containing Nanoparticles From Grass: Green Synthesis, Орtical, Spectrospopic, Oxidative Properties And Neurotropic Action In Brain Nerve Terminals | |
Konstantin Paliienko, Lilia Kalynovska, Natalia Pozdnyakova, Natalia Krisanova, Alla Tarasenko, Artem Pastukhov, Ulana Afonina, Olena Gnatyuk, Galina Dovbeshko, Tatiana Borisova |
Orthovanadate-based nanoparticles: differences in functional activity of cancer and hematopoietic stem cells | |
Anatoliy Mykolaiovych Goltsev, Natalia Babenko, Mykola Bondarovych, Tetiana Dubrava, Yuliia Gaevska, Volodymyr Klochkov |
Possible autocatalytic reduction of resazurin by MXenes with cultured cells | |
Anton Roshchupkin, Yevheniia Husak, Illya Yanko, Peace Ekpe, Vitalii Balitskyi, Daniil Burduli, Ivan Baginskyi, Oleksiy Gogotsi, Veronika Zahorodna, Maksym Pogorielov, Sergiy Kyrylenko |
Visualisation of Ti3C2TX MXenes in eukaryotic cells by Transmission Electron Microscopy | |
Peace Ekpe, Yevheniia Husak, Illya Yanko, Anton Roshchupkin, Andriy Stepanenko, Oleksiy Gogotsi, Veronika Zahorodna, Daniil Burduli, Ivan Baginskyi, Vitalii Balitskyi, Maksym Pogorielov, Sergiy Kyrylenko |
Selective photothermal effect of a pulsed laser in cultured cells with Ti3C2Tx MXenes | |
Illya Yanko, Yevheniia Husak, Anton Roshchupkin, Peace Ekpe, Oleksand Solodovnyk, Daniil Burduli, Ivan Baginskyi, Oleksiy Gogotsi, Veronika Zahorodna, Maksym Pogorielov, Sergiy Kyrylenko |
Oteogenesis Imperfecta Collagen Fiber Visualization on Plasma Deposited Polycaprolactone Scaffolds | |
Tugba Cebe, Meena Balasubramanian, Nicola Helen Green, Gwendolen Reilly |
11. Theory & Modeling
Brief history of thermoelectric and thermomagnetic phenomena and the Nernst effect in the Laughlin and Corbino geometries | |
Sergei Sharapov, Andrey Varlamov, Christophe Goupil, Alexey Kavokin |
Clustering in water-propanol solutions | |
Veronika Kashchenko, N. Atamas, D. Gavryushenko, G. Taranyk |
Isomorphous substitutions and Stability of Solid Solutions in La1–xLnxF3, Ln = Ce–Ho Systems | |
Yuliia A Oleksii, Eugeni I Get'man, Serhii V Radio, Lyudmyla I Ardanova, Eduard E Zubov |
12. Interdisciplinary & Miscellaneous Topics
Nanostructurized chitosan-based hemostatic agents: synthesis and characterization | |
Julia Radwan-Pragłowska, Łukasz Janus, Marek Piątkowski, Aleksandra Sierakowska, Tomasz Galek, Mirosław Tupaj, Dariusz Bogdał |