1. Nanomaterials Synthesis & Self-assembly
Structural and luminescent properties of Cr substituted Mg3Al1-xCrx layered double hydroxides synthesized through the conversion of sol-gel-derived mixed metal oxides | |
Ligita Valeikiene, Inga Grigoraviciute-Puroniene, Artūras Katelnikovas, Aleksej Zarkov, Aivaras Kareiva |
The kinetic of silver ions release from nanoparticles and influence of ultrasound treatment | |
Svetlana Bolshanina, Olexandra Radchenko, Anna Yanovska, Yuliia Varava, Kateryna Diedkova, Kateryna Zaitseva |
2. Multifunctional Thin Films & Coatings
Growth kinetics of CVD diamond films deposited in glow discharge plasma using a pulsed power supply | |
Konstantin Koshevoy, Yuri Volkov, Elena Reshetnyak, Vladimir Strel’nitskij |
New Process for Nitrding Steel Parts | |
Viacheslav Tarelnyk, Oksana Gaponova, Vasyl Martsynkovskyy, Ievgen Konoplianchenko, Viktor Melnyk, Vitaliy Vlasovets, Marina Mikulina, Sergey Bondarev, Olha Vasilenko, Serhii Hudkov, Anatolii Kutakh, Galina Golovchenko |
New Method for Nitrocarburizing Steel Parts | |
Viacheslav Tarelnyk, Oksana Gaponova, Bogdan Antoszewski, Czeslaw Kundera, Vasyl Martsynkovskyy, Ievgen Konoplianchenko, Viktor Melnyk, Vitaliy Vlasovets, Mykhaylo Dovzhyk, Mykola Zenkin, Andriy Zahorulko, Nataliia Tarelnyk, Anton Polyvanyi |
Coatings for improving adhesion between metal mesh heating element and polymer in electrofusion welding of thermoplastics | |
Roman Kolisnyk, Maksym Iurzhenko, Mykola Korab, Olha Masiuchok, Sergey Voynarovich, Oleksandr Kyslytsia |
Thermo- and Magnetoresistivity Properties of Multicomponent Film Materials Based on Magnetic and Non-Magnetic Metals | |
M. V. Vasyukhno, V. S. Klochok, N. I. Shumakova, A. K. Rylova, I. Yu. Protsenko |
3. Nanoscale Characterization & Imaging
General patterns of materials interface structures formation bonded at high temperatures by vacuum roll bonding | |
Borys Viktorovich Borts, Alexander Parkhomenko, Igor Vorobyov, Ivan Patochkin, Alexander Lopata |
4. Nanophotonics
Pulsed laser growth of ZnO-Carbon nanocomposite thin films | |
Ihor Virt |
6. Nanomagnetism & Magnetic Materials
Nanoscale spin-wave directional coupler based on exchange interaction | |
Qi Wang, Roman Verba, Andrii Chumak |
Nanostructured Detector of Electromagnetic Radiation Based on Spintronics Devices | |
Ruslan Leonidovich Politanskyi, Peter Michael Shpatar, Maria Vladimirovna Vistak, Oksana Mykhaylivna Malanchuk, Iryna Kremer, Ivan Diskovskyi |
Thickness and composition dependences of magnetoresistive properties of granular thin film systems obtained by co-evaporated Ag and Co | |
Ihor Shpetnyi, Yurii Shkurdoda, Iryna Nakonechna, Vasyl Pak, Viktor Grebinaha, Serhii Vorobiov, Daria Kondrakhova, Leonid Satrapinskyy |
8. Nanosensors & Nanodevices
Effect of thermal annealing on the structural and substructural properties of CdZnTeSe thick polycrystalline films | |
Yaroslav Znamenshchykov, Maksym Pashchenko, Oleksiy Kononov, Vladislav Volobuev, Denys Kurbatov, Anatoliy Opanasyuk |
Melanin-based organic-inorganic structures for sensor application | |
Tetiana Obukhova, Mykhailo Dusheiko, Amr Shams, Dmytro Volynskyi, Dmytro Mazulenko, Bohdan Soloshchuk, Stanislav Davidenko |
Conductometric Biosensor Based on Butyrylcholinesterase for Determination of Toxic Substances in Water Samples | |
Viktoriya Pyeshkova, Oleksandr Soldatkin, Taras Velychko, Valentyna Arkhypova, Sergei Dzyadevych, Alexei Soldatkin |
9. Nanomaterials for Energy & Environment
Hexaphenanthrenyl-Terminated Iron, Ruthenium, and Cobalt(II) Clathrochelates Designed for Efficient Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Production | |
Nina Chornenka, Artem Pushkarev, Sergey Grigoriev, Valery Kalinichenko, Alexander Belov, Yan Voloshin |
EPR study of copper-related defect in Cu2ZnSnS4 nanocrystals | |
Valentyna Nosenko, Igor Vorona, Volodymyr Dzhagan, Oleksandr Selyshchev, Oleksandra Raievska, Oleksandr Stroyuk |
Enhancing the optical properties of black conventional colorants by TiO2 incorporation | |
Rita Carvalho Veloso, Nuno M.M. Ramos, João Oliveira Ventura |
Zeolite Supported Ni and Co Catalysts for Hydrogen Generation via Hydrolysis of NaBH4 | |
Andriy Kytsya, Vasyl Berezovets, Yuriy Verbovytskyy, Liliya Bazylyak, Ihor Zavaliy, Volodymyr Yartys |
Influence of hydrogen on polyethylene | |
Maksym Kovalchuk, Iurzhenko Maksym, Kondratenko Volodimir |
Ammonium Nitrate with Nanoporous Structure Production Unit: Foundations of Creation, Operation Principles, Product Quality Indicators | |
Artem Artyukhov, Iurii Volk, Nadiia Artyukhova, Nataliya Borozenets |
Development of highly active and selective nanoscale metal-oxide catalysts for production of 1,3-butadiene and 1-butanol from bioethanol | |
Pavlo I Kyriienko, Olga V. Larina, Karina V. Valihura, Sergiy S. Soloviev, Svitlana M. Orlyk |
Promising cathode material based on inorganic nanocomposites for Li+-intercalation current generation | |
Oksana Balaban, N. Mitina, A. Zaichenko, O. Izhyk, B. Venhryn, A. Andrushchak |
10. Nanobiomedical Research & Applications
Biopolymer hybrids reinforced with graphene oxide with ectopic osteoinductive behavior in vivo | |
George Mihail Vlasceanu, Mariana Ionitta |
Free radical scavenging properties of the novel graphene-based nano-antioxidants | |
Kateryna Voitko, Sergiy Zhuravskyi, Alina Grinko |
Cardioprotective effect of graphene oxide pretreatment against reperfusion injury in rats | |
Yulia V Goshovska, Kateryna V Voitko, Yulia P Korkach, Vadym F Sagach |
Combination of Silver Nanoparticles and Chlorhexidine for Infected Wound Treatment | |
Mykyta Vielikov |
11. Theory & Modeling
Uncertainty Quantification of Charge Transfer through a Nanowire Resonant-Tunneling Diode with an ADHIE-FDTD method | |
Pieter Decleer, Dries Vande Ginste |
Molecular dynamics simulation of the uniaxial tensile test of hollow-core silicon nanowires | |
Sviatoslav Semchuk, Vasyl Kuryliuk, Danylo Vernygora, Alla Kuryliuk, Tetyana Tsaregradskaya |
Brief history of thermoelectric and thermomagnetic phenomena and the Nernst effect in the Laughlin and Corbino geometries | |
Sergei Sharapov, Andrey Varlamov, Christophe Goupil, Alexey Kavokin |
12. Interdisciplinary & Miscellaneous Topics
Nanostructured Surface Modification of AISI 304 Stainless Steel by Laser Shock Peening Followed by Ultrasonic Impact Peening | |
Dmytro Lesyk, Hitoshi Soyama, Vitaliy Dzhemelinskyi, Svitlana Voloshko, Bohdan Mordyuk, Oleksandr Lymar |
Composites of 3d metal nanoparticles, N-doped carbon and porous carriers for catalytic hydrogenation, amination and cyclization processes | |
Sergey Kolotilov, Vitaliy Asaula, Svitlana Sotnik, Olena Pariiska, Sergey Ryabukhin, Dmitriy Volochnyuk |
Chemical Welding of Novel Epoxy Nanocomposites | |
Alina Vashchuk, Sviatoslav Motrunich, Maksym Iurzhenko |
Study of technological features of celsian ceramics creation | |
George Viktorovych Lisachuk, Ruslan Viktorovych Kryvobok, Valentyna Vasylivna Voloshchuk, Olena Mykolayivna Lapuzina, Artem Vyacheslavovych Zakharov |