1. Synthesis and Properties of Nanomaterials
Production of Composite ZrO2-ZnO Nanoparticles Using Advanced Co-precipitation Process and Determination their Photo-oxidative Properties by Oxidation of C60 fullerene. | |
Igor Danilenko, O. Gorban, S. Gorban, G. Volkova, V. Glazunova, T. Konstantinova |
One-pot Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles and Composite Materials for Drinking Water Disinfection | |
Margarita Ivanovna Skiba, Alexander Pivovarov, Sorochina Kateryna, Victoria Vorobyova |
Equlibrium Properties of the Lattice System with SALR interaction potential on a Simple Square Lattice: Quasi-chemical Approximation versus Monte Carlo Simulation | |
Yaroslav Gennadievich Groda, Vyacheslav Vikhrenko, Dung Caprio |
Samarium Luminescence Spectra of MgAl2O4 : Sm3+ Nanoparticles: Impact of Samarium Content and Temperature Treating | |
Karina Valentynivna Lamonova, I. Danilenko, G. Volkova, S. Orel, Yu. Pashkevich, O. Viagin, P. Maksimchuk, Yu. Malyukin |
Investigation of Critical Points of Pore-Formation Voltage on the Surface of Semiconductors of А3В5 Group | |
Yana Oleksandrivna Suchikova, Igor Timofeevich Bogdanov, Sergij Vambol, Viola Vambol, Olexandr Kondratenko |
One-Pot Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles and Composite Materials for Drinking Water Disinfection | |
Margarita Ivanovna Skiba, Alexander Pivovarova, Victoria Vorobyova, Kateryna Sorochina |
Synthesis and Structure of Ni–based Nanopowders | |
Ihor Yu. Zavaliy, A. Kytsya, Yu. Verbovytskyy, Yu. Kulyk, P. Zavalij |
Effect of Implantation Temperature and Annealing on Synthesis of ZnSe Nanocrystals in Silica by Ion Implantation | |
Maxim Alexandrovich Makhavikou, Fadei Fadeevich Komarov, Oleg Vladimirovich Milchanin, Liudmila Alexandrovna Vlasukova, Irina Nikolaevna Parkhomenko, Elke Wendler, Jerzy Żuk |
To the Problem of the Creation of High-Temperature Radio-Absorbing Composite Ceramic Materials | |
Ruslan Kryvobok, G. Lisachuk, O. Lapuzina, M. Maystat, N. Kryvobok, V. Voloshuk, I. Gusarova |
Production of Nanostructured and Ultradisperse Materials by Means of Volumetric Electrospark Erosion | |
Sergey Lapshin Lapshyn, K. G. Lopatko, Y. G. Aftandiliants, O. V. Zazimko, V. V. Trach, S. K. Lopatko, A. N. Veklich, V. F. Boretskij, T. A. Tmenova, Y. Cressault, F. Valensi |
Size Distribution of Fe Oxides Particles in Water-Based and Polyethylene Glycol-Based Colloidal Solutions | |
Maryna Oleksiivna Holiatkina, Andrii Volodymyrovych Gilchuk, Anatoliy Omelianovych Perekos, Viktor Zyhfridovych Voynash, Bohdan Mykolayovych Mordiuk |
Synthesis Methods and Modern Direction in Modification of Nickel Cobaltite and Composite Nanoparticles with It's Participation | |
Anastasiia Voronova, Irina Ivanenko |
Influence of YIP Phase on Magnetic Properties of YIG Nanoparticles Prepared by Sol-Gel Method | |
Ihor I. Syvorotka, Dmytro Yu. Sugak, Sergii B. Ubizskii, Leonid O. Vasylechko, Stepan T. Hurskyy, Ihor M. Syvorotka |
Influence of Cold Isostatic Pressure on Formation of Secondary Nanoscale Zirconia Inclusions in Alumina Grains in Ceramic Composites 3Y-TZP with Small Amount of Al2O3 | |
Leonid Akhkozov, I. Danilenko, G. Volkova, V. Glazunova, V. Burkhovetski, T. Konstantinova, G. Lasko, S. Schmauder |
Study of Magnetic Behavior of Magnetite Nanoparticles Dispersed in Fluid | |
Alexander Omelyanchik, Sara Laureti, Gaspare Varvaro, Valeria Rodionova, Vladan Kusigerski, Nikola Knezevic, Davide Peddis, Erzsébet Illés |
Magnetic Interactions in Powder and Pressed α-Iron Nanoparticles | |
Alexander Omelyanchik, Mikhail Gorshenkov, Igor Beketov, Gaspare Varvaro, Valeria Rodionova |
Plasma Based Nanoparticle Synthesis: from Preparation to Function | |
Oleksandr Polonskyi, Alexander Vahl, Jonas Drewes, Alexander Hinz, Thomas Strunskus, Nicolai Ababii, Tim Reimer, Steffen Chemnitz, Oleg Lupan, Reiner Adelung, Franz Faupel |
Optical Properties of Nanoporous Al2O3 Matrices with Ammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate Crystals in Nanopores | |
Nazariy Andrushchak, Dmytro Vynnyk, Anatoliy Andrushchak, Volodymyr Haiduchok, Yaroslav Zhydachevskyy, Markiyan Kushlyk |
Some Aspects of Measuring Nonlinear Optical Features of Advanced Vertically Aligned Mesoporous Silica Thin Films Activated by Silver and Copper | |
Artur Wojciechowski, Magda Laskowska, Dmytro Vynnyk |
Influence of Ca2+ Impurity on Structure, Morphological and Optical Characteristics of EuxVO4 and La1-xEuxVO4 Nanoparticles | |
Oksana V. Chukova, Srehii G. Nedilko, Serhii A. Nedilko, Alina A. Slepets, Tetiana A. Voitenko, Sergiy V. Virko |
Experimental protocols for measuring magnetic properties of nanoparticles dispersed in a fluids | |
Alexander Omelyanchik, Valeria Rodionova, Davide Peddis, Gaspare Varvaro, Sara Laureti, María Salvador, Ana Mrakovic, Nikola Knezevic, Vladan Kusigerski, Erzsébet Illés |
3. Photonics & Nanomaterials
Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of HgTe/CdHgTe Quantum Wells | |
Ihor Ivanovych Izhnin, Olexandr Yurijovych Bonchyk, Hryhory Volodymyrovych Savytskyy, Zbigniev Swiatek, Jerzy Morgiel, Alexandr Vasiljevych Voitsekhovskii, Alexandr Grigorjevych Korotaev, Nikolaj Nikolajevych Mikhailov, Vasilij Semionovych Varavin, Sergej Alexejevych Dvoretsky, Karim Dzhafarovych Mynbaev, Olena Ivanivna Fitsych |
Transmitting coefficient and quasi-stationary electron states in double-barrier nano-structure within the model of position-dependent effective mass | |
Julia Seti, Mykola Tkach, Oxana Voitsekhivska, Nazar Romashuk |
Spectrum of Three-Level (With Two Non-Resonance States) Localized Quasi-Particle Renormalized Due to the Interaction with Polarization Phonons at Cryogenic Temperature | |
Mykola Tkach, Olesya Pytiuk, Julia Seti, Oxana Voitsekhivska, Vasyl Hutiv |
New Fluorescent Biosensors for Amiloid Fibriles Detection | |
Alex Lugovski, Michael Samtsov, Anatoly Lugovski, Eugene Voropay, Andrei Lavysh, Alexander Maskevich, Vitali Stsiapura |
Formation of Transparent Ceramic Films Based on Zirconia | |
Oksana Gorban, V. Lubenetz, S. Gorban, G. Volkova, V. Burkhovetskii, T.E. Konstantinova |
Formation of Silver Colloids by Photostimulated Reduction | |
Tetiana Bulavinets, Iryna Yaremchuk, Vasyl Varyshchuk, Serhiy Malynych, Rostyslav Lesyuk, Yaroslav Bobitski, Adriana Barylyak |
Influence of Direct Impingement of Atoms onto the Islands During the Stranski–Krastanow Growth | |
Ihor Ivanovych Izhnin, Ihor Ihorovych Syvorotka, Kirill Alexandrovych Lozovoy, Andrey Pavlovych Kokhanenko, Alexander Vasyljevych Voitsekhovskii |
Silicon Hyperdoped with Selenium by Ion Implantation Followed by Pulsed Laser Annealing | |
Fadei Fadeevich Komarov, Nikita Sergeevich Nechaev, Liudmila Alexandrovna Vlasukova, Irina Nikolaevna Parkhomenko, Gennady Dmitrievich Ivlev, Ivan Alexandrovich Romanov, Elke Wendler |
Nano-Polishing of the Surface of a Quartz Substrate Using an Evanescent Wave | |
Dmytro Vasylenko, Petro Kravchuk, Valerii Grygoruk |
OH- Absorption Spectra of Lithium Niobate Crystals Diffusion-Doped by Copper | |
U. Yakhnevych, I.I. Syvorotka, O. Buryy, S. Ubizskii, M. Vakiv, D. Sugak |
Angular Momentum of a Field Formed by Superposition of Two Plane Waves with Different Frequencies | |
Igor Mokhun, Yulia Viktorovskaya, Yuriy Galushko, Ihor Bodyanchuk |
4. Trends in Spintronics and Spin-related Phenomena at Nanoscale
Effect of Spin Injection from Colossal Magnetoresistance Material into Superconducting Thin Film of YBa2Cu3O7-d | |
Trude Hjelmeland, Y. Volkov, Pavlo Mikheenko |
Optimization of the Magnetocaloric Effect in Arrays of Nanomagnets Based on Ni3Pt | |
Serhii Igorovich Vorobiov, Vladimir Komanicky, Erik Čižmár, Martin Orendáč |
Impact of Temperature Dependent Octahedra Distortions on Magnetic Properties of Co-containing Double Layered Hydroxides | |
Roman Yuriievich Babkin, Yu. Pashkevich, A. Fedorchenko, E. Fertman, V. Desnenko, A. Prokhvatilov, N. Galtsov, D. Vieira, A. Salak |
Spin Crossover Phenomena in SmCo0.5Ga0.5O3 | |
Vasyl Hreb, Leonid Vasylechko, Andriy Tupys, Iryna Lutsyuk, Dmitry Chernyshov |
5. Thin Films, Nanostructured Materials and Coatings
Method for Identification of Optical Resonances of Metal Films on a Glass Substrate | |
Maksym Barabash, G. Vlaykov, A. Kolesnichenko, R. Litvin, A. Sezonenko, V. Martynchuk |
The SiO2 and GeO2 Additives Impact on the Sintering Kinetics of Tetragonal Zirconia Nanopowders | |
Marharyta Lakusta, Igor Danilenko, Galina Volkova, Larisa Loladze, Tetyana Konstantinova |
Stain Effect on the Properties of Polar Dielectric Thin Films | |
Alexander Tkach, Olena Okhay, André Santos, Sebastian Zlotnik, Ricardo Serrazina, Paula M. Vilarinho, M. Elisabete Costa |
Polarized Optical Study of Co-containing Double Layered Hydroxides | |
Iryna Nikolaevna Lukienko, Yu. G. Pashkevich, R. Yu. Babkin, D. E. L. Vieira, A. N. Salak |
Structure and Optical Properties of CNx–Ni and CNx–EuCl3 Core/Shell Nanostructured Films. | |
Anatoly Prudnikov, Yu. Pashkevich, K. Lamonova, O. Viagin, P. Maksimchuk, Yu. Malyukin, M. Pas’ko |
Estimating Qualitative Parameters of Aluminized Coating Obtained by Electric Spark Alloying Method | |
Viacheslav Tarelnyk, Ievgen Konoplianchenko, Oksana Gaponova, Czeslaw Kundera, Grigoriy Kirik, Vasyl Martsynkovskyy, Mykhailo Dovzhyk, Andrey Belous, Olga Vasilenko |
Influence of Substrate Materials on Electrospun PAN Nanofiber Mats | |
Friederike Beermann, Mona Schwakenberg, Anna-Lena Voigt, Andrea Ehrmann |
Photoluminescence of SiO2/SiNx/SiO2/Si Structures with Off-Stoichiometric Silicon Nitride Layers | |
Ivan Alexandrovich Romanov, Liudmila Alexandrovna Vlasukova, Irina Nikolaevna Parkhomenko, Fadei Fadeevich Komarov, Oleg Vladimirovich Milchanin, Maxim Alexandrovich Makhavikou, Natalia Stanislavovna Kovalchuk, Nina Andreevna Krekoten, Alexander Victorovich Mudryi, Vadim Dmitrievich Zhivulko, Hongliang Lu |
Nanostructured Functional Film Coatings Formed by Helicon-Arc Ion-Plasma Method on the Polymeric Substrates | |
Zinoviia Tsybrii, Mykola Vuichyk, Kateryna Svezhentsova, Fedir Sizov, Ihor Korotash, Eduard Rudenko, Denys Polotskiy |
Impact of Substrate Temperature on Vibrational and Chemical Properties of Cu2ZnSn0.6Ge0.4S Thin Films | |
Artem Shamardin, Denys Kurbatov, Andrii Voznyi, Andriy Stepanenko |
Nanostructured Magnetic Films Based on Iron with Refructory Metals | |
Iryna Yermolenko, Maryna Ved’, Nykolay Sakhnenko, Iryna Shipkova, Svetlana Zyubanova |
Emission from a Stack of Josephson Junctions with Gaussian Spread of Critical Currents | |
Volodymyr Eugeniyevych Shaternik, Olexandr Mykolajovych Grib, Ruslan Volodymyrovych Vovk, Sergiy Viktorovych Savich |
Functionally Graded Carbide Surfaces as Electrodes for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction | |
Emerson Coy, Luis Yate, Drochss P. Valencia, Willian Aperador, Katarzyna Siuzdak, Pau Torruella, Eduardo Azanza, Sonia Estrade, Karol Załęski, Igor Iatsunskyi, Stefan Jurga, Francesca Peiro, Xixiang Zhang, Javier Tejada, Yanguang Li, Ronald F. Ziolo |
Kinetics of Crystallization from Aqueous Solutions Subjected to the Effect of X-rays | |
Natalia Georgievna Valko, Dmitrij Lavysh, V. Anishchik, А. Kasperovich |
Structure of ZnNi Caotings Modified by the YAG:Nd3+ Laser Radiation | |
Natalia Georgievna Valko, S. Anufric |
Thermostable Properties of Nanostructures Based on Fe and Noble Metal as Sensitive Elements of Flexible Electronics | |
Olena Petrivna Tkach, Iryna Volodymyrivna Chesko, Mykola Volodymyrovych Vasuhno, Oleksandr Volodymyrovych Vlasenko, Larysa Valentynivna Odnodvorets |
6. Nanomaterials for Clean Energy and Environment
PbTeThin Films Grown by PLD Method | |
Ihor Virt, S. Adamiak, B. Cieniek, Y. Tur, I. Ye. Lopatynskyi, M. S. Frugynskyi |
Nanostructured Oxide-Metal Catalysts for Intra-Cylinder Catalysis | |
Ann V. Karakurkchi, Nikolay D. Sakhnenko, Maryna V. Ved’, Igor V. Parsadanov, Sergey N. Menshov |
Mechanisms of Surface State Formation at Si/SiO2 Interface in the Nanosized MOS Transistors | |
A. Volkov, D. Andreev, V. Maslovsky |
7. Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials for Life Sciences
Development of Chitosan Hemostatic Sponges with Different Solvents and Tranexamic Acid | |
Maksym Pogorielov, Volodymyr Deineka, Oleksandr Oleshko, Irina Liubchak, Katerina Dedkova, Roman Vasyliev, Dimitri Zubov, Aleksei Kalinkevich, Oksana Kalinkevich |
Exciton–Polariton Parametric Oscillator Dynamics in the Semiconductor Microcavity | |
Olga Fedorovna Vasilieva, P. I. Khadzhi |
Localized Growth and Integration of Semiconductor Oxide Nanostructures for Gas and Bio-sensor Applications | |
Oleg Lupan, V. Sontea, N. Ababii, N. Magariu, V. Postica, M. Ulfa, T. Pauporté, V. Trofim, S. Railean, A. Vahl, I. Pocaznoi, N. Wolff, M.-I. Teresa, O. Polonskyi, F. Faupel, L. Kienle, R. Adelung |
The Hydroxyapatite-based Nanocomposites for Local Drug Delivery | |
Leonid Fedorovich Sukhodub, A. A. Roshchupkin, N. V. Hlushchenko, I. Yu. Vysotsky |
8. Miscellaneous and Interdisciplinary Topics
ICT Tools for R&D and Industrial Nanotechnology Networks within the Industry 4.0 | |
Vitaliy Omelyanenko, Yuriy Ossik, Dmitriy Volodin, Teofilo Tirto |
Selective Hydrogen Gas Sensor Working at Low Temperatures based on PdO/PdO2-functionalized ZnO:Pd Films | |
Oleg Lupan, O. Polonskyi, V. Postica, M. Hoppe, N. Wolff, Th. Pauporté, B. Viana, O. Majérus, V. Trofim, L. Kienle, F. Faupel, R. Adelung |